Author Topic: Damn little kids...  (Read 4062 times)

Let me clarify this with some of the perverted minds, I dont mean playing with them as in Physical rape. I mean things like playing baseball and football with them so they basicly have someone that really knows how to play. You get the point.

There's an Arab kid at my school named 'Jimi' who always calls me 'cracker' for my un-tanned skin. (I don't tan, I freckle or BURN)

He goes on saying 'you suck, cracker' for a few months. Normally, I would just laugh at him. One day, I was having a bad day and I was just mad. He spits out another derogatory term, and I rudely signal him while saying 'shut the forget up, mother forgeter.'

He doesn't talk anymore. :D 

you're so badass

Reminds me off the little girls who lives down my street whose mom yells all the time.
Me to but my nightmare lives RIGHT NEXT DOOR! And the is OVER NINE THOUSAND OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!

more stories please :D

Me to but my nightmare lives RIGHT NEXT DOOR! And the is OVER NINE THOUSAND OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the is...?
Your grammar skills are off the charts.

There's an Arab kid at my school named 'Jimi' who always calls me 'cracker' for my un-tanned skin. (I don't tan, I freckle or BURN)

He goes on saying 'you suck, cracker' for a few months. Normally, I would just laugh at him. One day, I was having a bad day and I was just mad. He spits out another derogatory term, and I rudely signal him while saying 'shut the forget up, mother forgeter.'

He doesn't talk anymore. :D 
you should of called him and his family Self Delete bombers :o

you should of called him and his family Self Delete bombers :o

oh your bad.

Offtopic: Masterlegodude's avatar is right, that show was great.

he is the weather man now

We have this arab mom with her two kids living around here, and she takes her kids and their tricycles down to the park. Whenever one of the kids starts annoying the other one she would smack the stuff out of them. Once she hit one in the head while he was on the trike and he fell over.
It's awful yet funny at the same time. :(
This is what kids need nowadays. Parents can't discipline their kids without looking abusive or bad. I was raised with a spanking, thump on the head whenever I did wrong. And I'm better off for it.

my dad used a tazer, and i turned out fine

My sister,bout 6,she is a total brat.
she gets ANYthing she wants.
all she has to do is whine for it.

Then your life must suck.