Author Topic: New tree bricks.  (Read 2454 times)

We need more tree bricks instead of only pine.

really i wanted new trees not the old pine  but more like island trees and oak trees and maple trees <crap like that> anyway hes saying he wants a differnt type of tree then the pine tree but some of them would have to be intiors
« Last Edit: October 20, 2008, 09:02:53 AM by killer21324 »

Just build them, and use dupe on them

i have a diff tree in my western RPG build but its not like what you mean my friend buld it for me out of ramps

That would be actually pretty kool, taller ones would be awsome. Maybe even a couple of bushes

What exactly are you suggesting?

I lol'd.

I'm also with on the idea, Tony.

He is suggesting that someone make a tree that isn't smaller that a person and LOOKS like a tree.

Nice idea Tony. We need this but filled so that it looks better.
And we need something like this but better

we need something like this but better 

for some reason i lol at that.

"More tree bricks" could be anything....o_o
Lmao its self explanitory.Very good idea though.

lol look at the tree it looks like for rtb grass emote is spammy so ok  :D

Not really

 Saber, just leave, you're a dumbforget.

 Anyway, I do agree with the idea. More trees would help a ton. Also, some grass bricks (like the ones shown earlier) would help too.