Author Topic: Hi im new!  (Read 5967 times)

I severly dislike it, and by association of that, I have come to hate you both.

you have no room to talk

Stop trying to be an elite asswipe.

Welcome to my life My lil bro is richer than you...

forget you.


My lil bro is richer than you...
way to 1-Up a new member, douche

and god damnit stop typing in blue, it's one of the reasons everyone hates you
hehe, that rhymed :D

The reason I have 5 dollars is because I just bought a PSP with Grand theft auto >_> I dont even know why I should play with all you flamers. I came here nice, Not evil.

Plus, thanks to everyone who was nice to me. I just said Hello im New

Welcome Hicup, Hope ya get blockland soon, i also hope i see you in game, Good Luck.

See what you guys do your driving the normal person away D:

O nice Avatar.  :P  Welcome to the Forums.

^^ Yah what he said. Offtopic: O: Waffle avatar

Welcome to my life My lil bro is richer than you...
I hate this guy so incredibly much. There is no one who's posts annoy me more than Saber Ninja's.


On topic: Ohai, lovey partay any'one?

 We all know sooner or later, he's gonna make either a fail add-on, a stupid topic, post something stupid, or get a respected member of the community pissed off, and either way, his reputation will go down and he will be insulted and flamed, which will either make him stay and become respected, or leave forever, so why not start early?