Author Topic: Mod Requests  (Read 1778 times)

Hello, recently I have been running low on ideas as most of you might have seen by now. Anyway if you have any ideas that have a purpose and will be fun or more likely usefull please post in this format.

Name of mod:~The name you would call it.
Idea:~What is it and what is the general idea.
Reason:~How it will be usefull.

I had a real cool idea so here it is

Fallout 3 Weapons
Purpose: For epic Post Apocylpse

Script for Making a vehicale and able to drive it with regular driving material
Purpose: So people can make there own and have epic fights

Thoose are the only ideas and i know the Script Sounds pretty hard but Fall Out 3 is the one i want the most, i'll keep ya posted on more idea's, Hope it works out.

 Name of mod: Mini-Game Kill Linking

 Idea: A mod that changes mini-games so that you could create a minigame (Maybe TeamRed), and then someone else creates a minigame (TeamBlue) And you could edit both minigames so that you could kill other players in one other minigame, creating a TDM- like thing.

 Reason: Obvious, for teams. Durr.

Hunter, I belive that is already being made.

a giant bot that has like  50000000000000000000000000000 hp
and you have to kill it  with 3 other ppl and it does 1 hit kos and the first team to kill it gets te point (or closest to killing it) and you olny have one life or a long respwan

One player is "Villain" and must kill another player for them to be "Villain". A timer goes up when your "Villain" and when it hits a set time, whoever's "Villain" loses.

One player is "Hero". There is a timer that goes up when you are "Hero". Other players must kill the "Hero" in order for them to become "Hero" and have their timer to go up. Once the "Hero's" timer hits a set limit, they win. The "Hero" gets 5 secs added for each kill.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2008, 05:40:22 PM by Thorax »

One player is "It" and must kill another player for them to be "It". A timer goes up when your "It" and when it hits a set time, whoever's "It" loses.

One player is "King". There is a timer that goes up when you are "King". Other players must kill the "King" in order for them to become "King" and have their timer to go up. Once the "King's" timer hits a set limit, they win. The "King" gets 5 secs added for each kill.
Intresting I might make it.

Name of mod:Tag(Not like Thorax's idea)
Idea:You click a person and they become "It" and for 5(or 3) seconds they can't tag anyone.
Reason:It would be fun

i have already opened a topic to that suggestion, but since i need it for your cashmod ill post it here too:

name: Not importent
use: a weapon that can jail people, it will be great for your cashmod
good for: adds some more fun to any RPG of the cash mod, so /cops can arrest /gangsters

Name of mod: Mini-Game Kill Linking

 Idea: A mod that changes mini-games so that you could create a minigame (Maybe TeamRed), and then someone else creates a minigame (TeamBlue) And you could edit both minigames so that you could kill other players in one other minigame, creating a TDM- like thing.

 Reason: Obvious, for teams. Durr.
TDM mod, just watch it it crashes dedicated servers.

One player is "It" and must kill another player for them to be "It". A timer goes up when your "It" and when it hits a set time, whoever's "It" loses.

One player is "King". There is a timer that goes up when you are "King". Other players must kill the "King" in order for them to become "King" and have their timer to go up. Once the "King's" timer hits a set limit, they win. The "King" gets 5 secs added for each kill.
Intresting I might make it.

They are both basically the same thing, so if you make one, the second should be easy to do. I'm wanting the "King" Minigame more than "Tag", but whatever you do is fine.

Fill wrench, it wrenches all the bricks that are the same color, much like the fill can!

One player is "It" and must kill another player for them to be "It". A timer goes up when your "It" and when it hits a set time, whoever's "It" loses.

One player is "King". There is a timer that goes up when you are "King". Other players must kill the "King" in order for them to become "King" and have their timer to go up. Once the "King's" timer hits a set limit, they win. The "King" gets 5 secs added for each kill.

 Peh, don't call it "Tag". Call it "Hero".

Peh, don't call it "Tag". Call it "Hero".

Time to edit!

One player is "Villain" and must kill another player for them to be "Villain". A timer goes up when your "Villain" and when it hits a set time, whoever's "Villain" loses.

One player is "Hero". There is a timer that goes up when you are "Hero". Other players must kill the "Hero" in order for them to become "Hero" and have their timer to go up. Once the "Hero's" timer hits a set limit, they win. The "Hero" gets 5 secs added for each kill.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2008, 05:40:55 PM by Thorax »

I made a Vampire mod like that last Halloween with a bit of Randy's help. Dunno where it is now though, but it sure was easy to make :D