Author Topic: OnPlayerNotTouch  (Read 4990 times)

An input event called OnPlayerNotTouch would be nice. no reason to explain, just opposite of OnPlayerTouch

Good for SAW Rpg's.
Do not step off the ice, or your friend dies :D

This would create lag and abuse. I could easily let 500 rocks go off per minute with out someone touching the brick.

This would create lag and abuse. I could easily let 500 rocks go off per minute with out someone touching the brick.

Thats true. but that is on freebuilds. which no one really likes going to. this would be for like he said ^ saw rpgs, or challenges.

Thats true. but that is on freebuilds. which no one really likes going to. this would be for like he said ^ saw rpgs, or challenges.

I like going to free builds and loving them up.

Are you for real?
KK! it would be cool..
but so

I could easily let 500 rockets go off per minute by using a relay loop, so it doesn't matter zombie.

I could easily let 500 rockets go off per minute by using a relay loop, so it doesn't matter zombie.

But the thing is not many people know about relays. The chance of having a noob make a relay loop is extremly low. But the chance of this is extremly high.

I had this idea too.

I think what he means is not when a brick isn't touched, it's when a brick is left.

So it's like when OnPlayerTouch stops being called.

nice...perfect for those hard times of "step off this brick and youll cause al explosion that will kill everyone in this whole city"

Doesnt that mean that whenever your not on the brick the event will just go over and over? Its kinda spammy, expecially when someone's trying to build. You can touch something forever...

Easily abused but I can see a few uses for it.

what we need is onPlayerStopTouching.

Doesnt that mean that whenever your not on the brick the event will just go over and over? Its kinda spammy, expecially when someone's trying to build. You can touch something forever...
Did you read my post?
It should get called when the person steps off the brick. Kind of like one more calling of "OnPlayerTouch" after it would've been called last.

i.e. it happens when you leave the brick.