Author Topic: So it's been a year :)  (Read 4057 times)

As the title says, it's been a year since I and many others started playing Blockland. Now it is a time to relfect back on all the fun moments we've had together. :)

A brief history of my time on Blockland.

  • Meh, no one plays TBM anymore, back to BLM 1.6a
  • Holy crap  TBM is back and better than ever!
  • RtB, who's TBM?
  • Now <Eating ice cream posting this topic
« Last Edit: March 07, 2006, 12:49:37 PM by Otis Da HousKat »


All in One Reloaded is dead


Tee-hee, building giant walkways with 500 1x6x12's was sure interesting fun.
My first build was a walkway, and my second build was an apartment building, I think I caught on to the dynamics of 0002 quite quickly.

I remember maiing a huge stairways to the weapons in bedroom and as far asa you could see in greenhills.

  • Playing the game with my brother building a house that took us 3 ours, and it was fun even if we couldn't save it!
  • A new mod, with new bricks, weapons and maps! BLM!
  • EuArmy clan founded by me. We got 30-40members!
  • Tries to make a map, this is very fun!
  • AiO, cool, this mod has everything.
  • TBM, this mod is fun to use for building.
  • AiO is very good, let's only play that!
  • Tests the milkshape free trial. Wow, I can make my own weapons!
  • QuArK, I can now make interior maps!
  • Most of the members in EuArmy stops playing blockland, the clan changes name to [SB]
  • Plays AiO now and then.
  • Wow, says that TBM has got a backdoor thing, I'll better delete it.
  • Plays AiO for a month or two.
  • RTB, this mod is the best. Everyone plays it!
  • RTB 1.04, awesome!

My clans

  • [Ninja]
  • [Myrmidon] *Formed after [Ninja] disbanded*
  • [Ninja] Reborn
  • [G4] For a day
  • After I left the G4 server I stumbled into the [MotE] server and got hooked, next day I joined :D

clans ive been in/still in

{Army} for a day i think
[EuArmy]/[SB] still in
[AntiBS] this clan was started just after wesnc got banned for posting blackland :o
(IM) still in
[KnX] still in
[Sith] still in
[Ninja] still in
[MixNet] still in

hahah, i remember that blackland comic...

Wasn't it made in AiO? with a the big fro? If it was, i remember that XD

I'll make this breif:

Wow this game is fun, an actual lego game online to play with others!

=o mods? I hope I can someday mod this game like these other people

¡mods packed in a mod pack!

cool, rob showed me this mod that he and mcp are makign that is currently in beta (tbm) [I was more of a noob back then and probably asked a lot of annoying questions to rob :( ]

sigh* rob and mcp seem to be sort of mean

cool, this person called rititundo made planes for blockland, it's late but I'll be on of the first people to host [I host and lots of people join :D and so does rititundo, rob says rit copied some code]

[I'm getting slightly better at scripting]

rititundo joined my server and liked my bots scripts, he showed me some and told me some, I learned how to mount objects to the bots

WOW, another mod to use! and these people arn't as mean as the tbm makers. I can't wait for this to be released!!

rtb is released! yay! This is great.

[I learn how to script better now]

:( how long will these mod wars continue...

sigh* things are beginning to quiet down, wait, rtb 04 is finally released, thaks eph for finally organizing our work into 04!

« Last Edit: December 10, 2014, 02:34:16 AM by Pload »

My blockland history

Wow a Lego Game!
Wow online!
Zomg supercool buildings!
Oh em gee BLM!
Oh em gee AiO
Became friends with a few people. On of which is EnygmaX he changed my gaming life forever
Hey a mod called TBM!
*takes a mysterious break for 4-6 months*
Aw Ninja disbanded :(
[Myrmidon] formed
EnygmaX leaves blockland, and gets me addicted to MapleStory
*takes another break*
Hay! TBM is still cool!
Wtf is up with the mod wars?
*takes another break*

Damn this is a bump post. stuff!

Damn this is a bump post. ice cream!

It was only two days since last psot

-Huh? Online lego building? Sweet.
-Man, this sucks with the bastards destroying my stuff.
-BLM? Ok I'll try it.
*hosts some of the most popular servers in Blockland
-Why are some people such richards to other users? (MCP) This totally ruins blockland!
-Sure, I'll host your new mod pack, Digi.
*Quits Blockland for 3 months because some people are big starfishs.
- Rit: Hey dude, you still willing to host? Me: Hell yeah, your mod rocks dude!
* Sees that RTB needs help with 2d stuff. Joins the team.
- Meh, mod wars suck again.
*Quits working on RTB for a few months with most of the other RTB devs.
-Hey guys, we should probably get back to work.
*Helps release 1.04.

And the future:
*Helps push the patch out for the bugs in RTB 1.04.
Well, this was fun. Let's redo RTB from scratch and think about our vision.
Damn, I hope the retail beta comes soon.
*Helps push RTB 1.05 out. Great new features focus on making building easier than ever before.
Final Retail Blockland released!