Author Topic: Zotz and Softis  (Read 563 times)

Anyone had them?  Zotz are spanish, they have a fizzy powder inside, and it's like hard candy outside, very good. Softis are german, and are little flattened out tootsie rolls that taste like popsicles, I get both in German, I <3 them.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2008, 07:02:11 PM by Marcem »

what's jspanish? Some asian or hispanic candy? but you at least corrected yourself with the German thing, so I can't make fun of you for that. But on the related topic, no, I haven't tried them. I have tried Mexican candy which is loaded with chilli power and bugs. lol Actually rather tasty.

Fixed errors, and sounds pretty bad, but, I'd imagine it'd turn out good.

Sounds like a new form of crystal meth.

Gotta get me some.