Author Topic: Re: Brick Making Limets  (Read 1036 times)

Wow, you just keep going on. If you want to continue this you can create a thread in the drama section to crap on me, but this is not the place for it.
Well, I've made topic, make a good counterpoint or admit I've proven my point, and the great Ephi posted code that had a serious design flaw.

Oh dear. I didn't think you had it in you to sink this low.

I never said what I posted didn't have a design flaw, I never said it was perfect. You're basically just stating the obvious. Had I posted a chunk of code saying "this is exactly what you need to make your cost for brick placement thing work" and it had such a design flaw, I wouldn't mind you pointing this out. Now lets grow up a bit.

On another note this isn't the first time you've launched an attack on me personally. I think you have a little problem with me so lets take this opportunity to air the dirty laundry.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2008, 11:54:45 PM by Ephialtes »

Oh dear. I didn't think you had it in you to sink this low.

I never said what I posted didn't have a design flaw, I never said it was perfect. You're basically just stating the obvious. Had I posted a chunk of code saying "this is exactly what you need to make your cost for brick placement thing work" and it had such a design flaw, I wouldn't mind you pointing this out. Now lets grow up a bit.

On another note this isn't the first time you've launched an attack on me personally. I think you have a little problem with me so lets take this opportunity to air the dirty laundry.
Nicely spoken Ephi, nicely spoken...

K I'll leave thread now.

On another note this isn't the first time you've launched an attack on me personally. I think you have a little problem with me so lets take this opportunity to air the dirty laundry.
First of all, I have no recollection of such a "personal attack".  Second of all, this started with my saying what you basically say all the time, but it was relevant to the code you posted, but you didn't go "oh, your right", you instead responded by personally attacking me.

I pointed out that your code didn't work, sure it made it so it cost to plant bricks, and sure it even had a few checks to go out of its way a little so that the code would work nicely, but I pointed out that it has a serious design flaw.  By design flaw I'm meaning that the basis of how the code works had a large problem with it, and you gave no suggestions on how to fix it even after I pointed it out, and posted my own code, which you very well could have done.  You instead responded saying that my code didn't suite exactly what he was asking for, because my code was made to be used for matters of my RPG that simply didn't use money, but instead used things like wood, and stone, which was very irrelevant because the poster of the topic in fact asked for an example, which I provided.

Just to note: I didn't post this topic to sink low, I posted it because thats exactly what you told me to.

Also, if anyone finds a point where they think I've gone and made a personal attack against Ephi, please post it, I'm having a hard time finding it.

laremere: you're an idiot.

People won't ever learn to script if other people do everything for them. Ephi didn't have to help out that guy, but did anyway. The fact that it didn't do exactly what he asked doesn't matter. Doesn't mean ephi has to rush to fix the guy's code up for him, he could probably do it himself, he was just after a bit of help.

Well, I've made topic, make a good counterpoint or admit I've proven my point, and the great Ephi posted code that had a serious design flaw.

he said if you wan to continue this then you create a tread to crap on him you do wan to continue this right???

he said if you wan to continue this then you create a tread to crap on him you do wan to continue this right???

In case you haven't noticed the new forum section, this IS the new thread to continue this.

Also, if anyone finds a point where they think I've gone and made a personal attack against Ephi, please post it, I'm having a hard time finding it.
You typed up a paragraph on how Ephi tried to help, then you attacked him. I rest my case.

What shawnpup is trying to say is that laremere's making out that I told him to make this topic, when what I actually said was "if you want to continue this, create a drama thread" because it wasn't cool crapping up someone's help topic. laremere clearly wants to continue this, hence this thread here.

From my perspective this just seems to be some pathetic attempt to one-up the guy you see as being superior to yourself. Either way I have more useful things to do than play your silly games.

Your one to talk.

You typed up a paragraph on how Ephi tried to help, then you attacked him. I rest my case.
Could you quote the paragraph you speak of, I still don't know what your referring to.

What shawnpup is trying to say is that laremere's making out that I told him to make this topic, when what I actually said was "if you want to continue this, create a drama thread" because it wasn't cool crapping up someone's help topic. laremere clearly wants to continue this, hence this thread here.

From my perspective this just seems to be some pathetic attempt to one-up the guy you see as being superior to yourself. Either way I have more useful things to do than play your silly games.
If you got the impression that I was saying you said to just start this topic, I'm terribly sorry, what I meant is that I wanted to continue this discussion, and you said I should start a topic in drama to continue this instead of continuing it in the current topic it was in, and I agreed, so I started this topic.

I note that your barely saying anything remotely relevant to what this is actually about, and just using allot of generalized statements about how I'm somehow personally attacking you, which is not at all the case.  None of my posts (I've reread them several times) at any point do I see myself trying to one-up you personally or show how I'm better then you.  Sure I did post code after you posted code that I saw flawed in a way that gave no help to the topic creator because that is much more of a problem that the one you solved, but that has nothing to do with personally attacking you, I was simply posting code as an example (exactly what he asked for) to show him how to properly have bricks cost.

I think this whole mess got started here:
Oh honestly. If I wrote code that didn't have a design floor, this guy wouldn't have to do anything. The "design flaw" in your code is that it doesn't even charge the user money.

Please don't post code that has design flaws, laremere!
I think this is were you started getting the idea that I'm out to get you.  I'm yet to understand your reasoning behind this post.
First of all, if the coder took the code that you posted and used it, I highly doubt that they would have been able to figure out how to get around the inherited flaw in it.  This would have caused the release of a code that would be quite sad.

You then continued to say that my code was flawed in a totally false way.  The poster of the topic asked simply for an example of the code, so I pulled out my flash drive that had a copy of my ex-arctic RPG (which I never planed releasing any of it, mind you) that had code to show how to make it cost something to plant bricks.  By saying that my code had the flaw of that it doesn't cost money is just stupid, because it showed exactly what the poster asked for.