Author Topic: Return to Blockland  (Read 244155 times)

The IRC doesn't automatically log on any more and my username stays as Blockhead130. Is this related to the website issue?

CentralChat has boned us again by removing their MOTD - the RTB irc relied on receiving that to know it was connected successfully so it could then assign you a new nickname and drop you into a default channel. I've made it unreliant on motds in the next version.

the RTB irc relied on receiving that to know it was connected successfully

Just goes to show, can't rely on simple stuff to big things.  That just brings up problems.


COOL STUFF! :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookieMonster:
« Last Edit: November 13, 2008, 08:31:47 PM by Lil Chris »

This thing can't be on page 3! >:O


Nicel...... SHUT UP!!!!!!

I've heard there are some crashes related to performing searches - if anyone could give me some details in order to replicate this that'd be super.

When I searched the phrase: "Shotgun" it froze my computer.

When I searched the phrase: "Shotgun" it froze my computer.

Mm very detailed, I can see exactly what might be causing the problem. Thanks for your informative bug report!

The very first time I attempted to use the Search function the game crashed (stopped responding with no error), but it's never happened since so I can't get a detailed trace/report.


i tried again and it just closed the game

only happens on that page

I'm guessing the description is too long, it happens to everyone.

I got what tails got, except in Mac it just froze and quit unexpectedly.

Mine just instantly closes.