Author Topic: REQUEST: Wizards of the winter full  (Read 2295 times)

I LOVE this song thingy music thing idk what it is it is just REALLY nice for me to listen to PLZ port it PLZ PLZ PLZ. Just PM it to me.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2008, 08:08:25 PM by Dvpainter »

<:Puppy eyes:> pweese pweese PWEESE.

Don't post full songs because...
  1.  No one wants to wait for that crap to download from your server
  2.  I don't want to get beat down by the RIAA

Limit yourselves to looping songs that are < 500kb in size.

PS.  Someone figure out which files aren't appropriate and remove them or report them using the "report to moderator" link, please.

    No one is able to enter my server anyway, so i would be the only one sufering from it also if that would be.

that IS true,... and is there a problem if you only have full songs on a single player server?? because all  you would have to do is uncheck the song if u wanted to do an internet one....

that IS true,... and is there a problem if you only have full songs on a single player server?? because all  you would have to do is uncheck the song if u wanted to do an internet one....

                                He is right.

Plz port it to the forums or give me the link to DLoad it in a PM.

yes but what if some downloads it who is going to put it on a online server?
sorry to kill the idea but if you want a full song make it yourself.

EDIT: and don't post the full song online either!
« Last Edit: November 18, 2008, 01:04:55 AM by CrazyGoodDude »

Theres yar song
And BTW,port?I dont think the fulls ever been made.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2008, 09:38:19 PM by Mogarf »

yes but what if some downloads it who is going to put it on a online server?
sorry to kill the idea but if you want a full song make it yourself.

EDIT: and don't post the full song online either!
(BTW no idea how in the hell to make songs)
« Last Edit: November 22, 2008, 08:05:34 AM by Dvpainter »

Theres yar song
And BTW,port?I dont think the fulls ever been made.
Yes, yes you do fail Mogarf.

D: Mogarf doez notz failzorz.

If you're just going to listen to it yourself just download the song and listen to it with iTunes or Windows Media Player or whatever.

You're a loving circle jerkle.