-DGB- Darn Good Builder's

Author Topic: -DGB- Darn Good Builder's  (Read 2420 times)

I have made this clan for those who would like to join. It is not for the top builder's or the best one's but for everyone to join. I don't know if i am allowed to put my forum's on here so you can come and take about builds without everyone else in them.(As a clan) but i will put it on anyhow. http://s3.phpbbforfree.com/forums/usfzone.html  If you don't want it on here then fell free to remove the link if you can or just tell pm me to and i will.<<<---- For Site Admin.   I am hopeing for people to join so just go to my forums and put your game name in and your e-mail so i can conact you and i will most likly let you in unless your a big spammer and rebillion against RTB. Thx and if you got Team Speak go to this ip to talk to me. My name on it is Lt._Hummer or DJ Nike.  <-- Team Speak IP. You can just google it on google to get it. It's free. Also you need a mic for it so yea. L8ter and Thx! Typing this all is tirring.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2006, 12:42:54 PM by Cryptic »

You mispelt Darn. Now it says Barn :D

At least he has more than 1 line.

The post need to be formatted so it can be easily read. Right now you have all your information packed into a paragraph.

Well atleast it is all there and not scattered through out 3 pages. (1 word a post.)