
Which feature would you most like to see in RTB next?

Friends List + Messaging [1-2 Months Dev Time]
167 (78.4%)
Online/Ingame Gallery System & Save Repository [2-3 Months Dev Time]
20 (9.4%)
Online/Ingame Clan System [4-5 Months Dev Time]
26 (12.2%)

Total Members Voted: 212

Author Topic: Return to Blockland v3  (Read 115470 times)


Feature List

  • MOD Manager - The MOD Manager has been entirely re-coded to improve performance and usability.
  • GUI Downloading - Basic GUI can now be temporary downloaded to the client from the server.
  • Downloads System - An entirely re-coded online downloads system which also improves performance and allows us to do some really cool stuff.

RTB3 is essentially a re-code of the general RTB framework to make it more extensible in the future. The MOD Manager is such a hugely used tool (over 5,000,000 requests made to it since a few months ago) that it makes sense that this is a really stable and easy-to-use feature. I think all of the beta testers for RTB3 will agree that it absolutely improves your in-game downloading experience. Despite there not actually being any new "features" (minus the gui downloading), all this work makes it easier for new features to be added in the future without having to make huge changes. Anyway, here are the details:

MOD Manager

  • New style/theme
  • Paginated section views
  • Quick links to report/download add-ons
  • Faster loading times for pages
  • Bugs can be reported directly to add-on makers from in-game
  • Add-ons can now be deleted

Obviously there are so many things that I haven't mentioned that just makes this great. You'll have to wait and see!

GUI Downloading

Very basic GUI can be downloaded to clients. This includes bitmaps/buttons/swatches/text entry boxes. Documentation will be written up on this at a later date for modders.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2009, 07:40:21 PM by Ephialtes »

Woot 2nd post, looks epic Ephi :D

Sounds great!
Here are a few suggestions;

Somehow integrate this with the RTB chat.
Perhaps another button on the RTB connect gui to access the chat.
Ability to buddy people from inside the chat.

Instead of the icons you have shown in the gui, maybe an Icon that you have selected
from the RTB Forums. For those unregistered they could have the original icon that is shown in
the current GUI.
Adding to the icons and private/public group chatting, the host's icon could be displayed to the left of the
server name.

Another status for chatting, and a way to view which friend is in what chat server.

Display the RTB logo somewhere on the GUI, it's too pretty to be left out.

This is all I can think of for now.

Integration with MSN and AIM to let you talk to msn/aim people from in Blockland

Haha did you do that because of what i said in chat? :D

Is a search for ID system possible?
Like you want to know who has a certain ID, you can search and It'll show some information (name, ID, if they're online, etc.).

Woot 2nd post
Wow stuff, you're amazing!

-already ahead of me-
I don't know what this means.

Sounds great!
Here are a few suggestions;

Somehow integrate this with the RTB chat.
Perhaps another button on the RTB connect gui to access the chat.
Ability to buddy people from inside the chat.

Instead of the icons you have shown in the gui, maybe an Icon that you have selected
from the RTB Forums. For those unregistered they could have the original icon that is shown in
the current GUI.
Adding to the icons and private/public group chatting, the host's icon could be displayed to the left of the
server name.

Another status for chatting, and a way to view which friend is in what chat server.

Display the RTB logo somewhere on the GUI, it's too pretty to be left out.

This is all I can think of for now.
The RTB IRC may be less necessary with this system, since the server hosts its own lobby chat for people to join. Chats won't work using servers, there will just be rooms like IRC and users can be in many of them so displaying all the chats a user is in wouldn't be great. It'd be like showing what conversations all your friends on MSN are in.

Haha did you do that because of what i said in chat? :D
I have no idea what you said in the chat but we've been planning this feature since the start of RTB 2.0.

Is a search for ID system possible?
Like you want to know who has a certain ID, you can search and It'll show some information (name, ID, if they're online, etc.).
RTB does have a list of users and their IDs due to the nature of how the system works, however I won't be providing access to it because people may not necessarily want everyone knowing their history of usernames and all that jazz. If Badspot wants to provide a lookup thats fine, but I won't be doing it based on the data RTB collects.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 09:10:37 AM by Ephialtes »

I said something about msn and you was like "i don't know if i can do that but i can try"

Also, Play mario kart wii with me and snot :3

I don't have you added on MSN, and my wii is elsewhere right now so we can play later.

however I won't be providing access to it because people may not necessarily

Perhaps make it so people can allow others to search their ID's?

Nice buddy system. I cant wait. :)

Perhaps make it so people can allow others to search their ID's?

Nobody makes an effort to turn those sorts of things on, you'd be searching a list of about 20 people who've actually enabled it.