
Which feature would you most like to see in RTB next?

Friends List + Messaging [1-2 Months Dev Time]
167 (78.4%)
Online/Ingame Gallery System & Save Repository [2-3 Months Dev Time]
20 (9.4%)
Online/Ingame Clan System [4-5 Months Dev Time]
26 (12.2%)

Total Members Voted: 212

Author Topic: Return to Blockland v3  (Read 112514 times)

Yeah i'll try to get all the default parameter types that Blockland uses into the server control thing. The ones I need to add are float and paintColor so far. I can't remember if there are more.

datablock [class name, "Music" or "Vehicle"]

May not be as well-used, but they may as well be there.

EDIT: intList [box width]
« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 02:17:38 PM by Space Guy »

Heres a suggestion:

There is a glitch when you are in RTB IRC and you have a name selected, and you are still scrolling through the name list.  When someone leaves, or joins IRC, you automatically focus on the selected person in the list again.  So that means if you were looking at other people either further up or down the list, you have to scroll up or down to where you were again.  It gets annoying, and as more people get RTB it will be a race just to select the person's name before you get scrolled away again.
Thanks for the tip Tezuni. :)

Attempting to use the Server Control to update the event quotas in a LAN game or Single Player server doesn't work, since it's changing the normal quota rather than the LAN game one which it should be. I'm not sure, but changing it doesn't seem to recreate the Quota objects either, which means that a player would have to delete all their existing items/emitters/etc. to get the object deleted and recreated before the quota is updated.

There is news: http://returntoblockland.com/

You can comment without registering by clicking Comments >> at the top right of the post.

As a follow-up to the recent news post above, I plan to extend the gui downloading to allow users to input data into the gui and send it back to the server. A GUI will only be able to send back values from controls that exist within itself and cannot access other controls in the game. Most commands for buttons should look like this:


And thats what RTB will expect, so you can't replace one of those with "$Pref::Server::AdminPassword" or anything. Obviously having this sort of thing available to people (and given the malicious and abusive track record of most blockland idiots users) everything will be very closely checked so there will be a few standards your GUI will have to adhere to if it is to download correctly to the client.

The RTB website doesn't seem to work for me. Is it down again?

Hm, it was just my Internet breaking.

The server information list shows the wrong things if two servers have the same name.

Iban was recently hosting two copies of his City RP server: one passworded, one unpassworded, both called "[Iban] CityRPG [V0.3]". Attempting to view the Server Information for the public one showed the only person in the server as "H - Iban" even though there was 14 players in the server, and when I joined he wasn't actually in there. The other one just gave "No Information Available", as it was passworded/private.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 02:17:07 PM by Space Guy »

Servers are identified by a joint primary key of ip and port and there's a bug where the port is always 28000 for some reason.

Well I've pretty much finished the GUI downloading, it works well so far. I have built an example gui which illustrates most of the things the gui downloader can handle:

RTB_Example.gui (7.90 KB)

Here's the list of controls and their properties that can be downloaded:

  • GuiBitmapButtonCtrl (profile horizSizing vertSizing position extent text bitmap mColor command)
  • GuiButtonCtrl (profile horizSizing vertSizing position extent text command)
  • GuiBitmapCtrl (profile horizSizing vertSizing position extent bitmap)
  • GuiTextEditCtrl (profile horizSizing vertSizing position extent)
  • GuiTextCtrl (profile horizSizing vertSizing position extent text)
  • GuiMLTextCtrl (profile horizSizing vertSizing position extent text)
  • GuiSwatchCtrl (profile horizSizing vertSizing position extent color)
  • GuiScrollCtrl (profile horizSizing vertSizing position extent hScrollBar vScrollBar childMargin rowHeight columnWidth)
  • GuiWindowCtrl (profile horizSizing vertSizing position extent text resizeWidth resizeHeight canMove canClose canMinimize canMaximize minSize)

The command field can only have a single commandtoserver function (taking integer arguments or gui values from a control in that window) and a canvas.popDialog() after it, anything else will be trimmed out. The example gui was completely made using the ingame gui editor and required no custom changes for it to work with the gui downloading.

Also note the huge 5-paragraph text in the mltextctrl - commandtoclient functions have a 255 character limit per argument but I added a cool function to break down properties of a control that were overusing their quota (255/num_of_props) and sending them as their own set of commandtoclient functions, so this downloader can handle some big fields.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2009, 07:45:35 AM by Ephialtes »

Hm, you should probably consider adding a server-sided initial ping to the client to check if they have RTB. What I mean is, I took out RTB for some client-sided testing with something, and when I joined a server (with RTB) it spammed my console with "Unknown clientCmd: RTB_addPref" (or something of the sort) when I became super admin.

There is already a check to make sure the user has RTB, it just wasn't being used for the pref sending upon gaining admin. It works in all other places.

StoreClerk (Blocked

Out of curiosity, what are you planning on working on after the new forums, add-on manager, and buddy system are done?