
Which feature would you most like to see in RTB next?

Friends List + Messaging [1-2 Months Dev Time]
167 (78.4%)
Online/Ingame Gallery System & Save Repository [2-3 Months Dev Time]
20 (9.4%)
Online/Ingame Clan System [4-5 Months Dev Time]
26 (12.2%)

Total Members Voted: 212

Author Topic: Return to Blockland v3  (Read 112567 times)

The next is a clan manager. It'll be integrated into our forums where users can register a clan, have their own private forums and assignable moderator abilities for it. It will also have tight links to the mod manager (clan only add-ons) - nothing's set in concrete for that, its not even in the planning phase.

Another thing we want to do is have a kickass image hosting/rating/comment/sharing service for the gallery so you could upload screenshots and saves directly from RTB in game. We also haven't done any real planning for that either.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2009, 08:54:51 PM by mocheeze »

Each user could have their own personal portfolio, kick ass indeed.

I saw the RTB topic and saw the new blog picture. I have a suggestion to make on that. I think to save room vertically and be able to see all the sections of the Mod manager, I would move the descriptive text to the line of the section title, and go so far as to align the text to the right as to show a separation

Each user could have their own personal portfolio, kick ass indeed.
I agree.

There is news: http://returntoblockland.com/

Also the poll is now closed - the first choice wins.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2009, 06:26:56 AM by Ephialtes »

Sweet now people wont be complaining how Camera Events and Portal Gun don't work.

While you are doing RTB3 would it be possable in like v9 of MSN you could speak with your groups, or will you leave that out for RTB 4.0?
Just wondering like...

hahah poor Storeclerk :cookieMonster:

In response to 'Changes to RTB': Good ideas, hopefully they will help lower the amount of screwed up add-ons we see in blockland.

Suggestion for the Blockland Forum post maker: Use the acronym tags to put the captions on pictures, like I did here: http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=62373.msg1023620#msg1023620

I've restarted the RTB Stat Scraper which can be found here for now:


It basically shows server + player activity over the past 24ish hours. Sorry if its too wide, Its primarily for me and I have a monster monitor. (Might take a few seconds to load the graph)

Fixed a problem with the graph not working in Firefox.

Cool.  Is there any chance of a week long graph that goes by quarter days?