
Which feature would you most like to see in RTB next?

Friends List + Messaging [1-2 Months Dev Time]
167 (78.4%)
Online/Ingame Gallery System & Save Repository [2-3 Months Dev Time]
20 (9.4%)
Online/Ingame Clan System [4-5 Months Dev Time]
26 (12.2%)

Total Members Voted: 212

Author Topic: Return to Blockland v3  (Read 114393 times)


Folders for different places friends can go for example:
l      Friend list  4  l
l            Clan        l
l •sword99           l
l •Bob                  l
l •frank                l
l •billy                  l
l •Michael             l
l                           l
l ~add friend         l

l Friend folders     l
l • Clan                l
l • Buds               l
l •Other               l

Ephi, what's kinda annoying is, you talk yo RTB3 and you skip straight to v5.

What. But, it looks nice :D

Will file names that are the same to file already posted automatically update them?

Yeah it would.

RTB v3 is planned to come out quite soon now, within a month and a bit or so I would hope. RTB v4 will be a relatively short release since the only new feature in that is RTB Connect which I have built a lot of the backend and done lots of research for as part of RTB v3 development.


Awesome spam, dude!

I cant wait till Version7!

Here's an idea,
Adding binds from the server.
A certain mod will have the option of using RTB to include a bind, which will be the exact name of a serverCmd.
Once a player joins, the server tells the client of that bind, and adds the name to a list in some GUI.
A client can choose to accept the control, and put a bind on it.

Here's an idea,
Adding binds from the server.
A certain mod will have the option of using RTB to include a bind, which will be the exact name of a serverCmd.
Once a player joins, the server tells the client of that bind, and adds the name to a list in some GUI.
A client can choose to accept the control, and put a bind on it.

Picture joining a CityRP server and being bombarded with a hundred "Would you like to add ^jobs for a keybind as ctrl j?" -  Plus there would then need to be handling and an error to get the client to re-configure the control if it was overwriting another bind they had. I think the gui downloader will serve as a reasonable alternative to this.

Picture joining a CityRP server and being bombarded with a hundred "Would you like to add ^jobs for a keybind as ctrl j?" -  Plus there would then need to be handling and an error to get the client to re-configure the control if it was overwriting another bind they had. I think the gui downloader will serve as a reasonable alternative to this.
I was actually thinking it adds it to a pending list, and allow the user to add their own bind to it.
Besides, public RPG mods suck, therefore I won't join CityRP anyways.
You wouldn't use this to add a bind for ^jobs, that's something the GUI downloader would do.
Example of my idea:
A command called serverCmdTarget will make the player or vehicle you're looking at targeted.
With RTB, and using a command to add it to a bind list, it sends the bind information to the client.
A blinking icon appears in some corner of the players screen, telling them that there's a pending keybind waiting.
The player pops open the RTB keybind window, to see that there's a new Target bind, waiting for a key, while some of the old binds are greyed out, saying that the server doesn't use them.
The client happily targets a player with the push of a button on his keyboard, and casts a homing fireball which will attempt to track the client's target.

This will be much better than loving up jet/light functionality.