
Which feature would you most like to see in RTB next?

Friends List + Messaging [1-2 Months Dev Time]
167 (78.4%)
Online/Ingame Gallery System & Save Repository [2-3 Months Dev Time]
20 (9.4%)
Online/Ingame Clan System [4-5 Months Dev Time]
26 (12.2%)

Total Members Voted: 212

Author Topic: Return to Blockland v3  (Read 114407 times)

RTB uses the $= string comparison operator to check for changes in the password before announcing the change. If this doesn't do case sensitive operations - thats not my problem. Passwords are checked engine-side not script-side so this will have to be an acceptable limitation. The password will update but just won't notify users.

Can't you just strCmp?

Because of some changes in v11, there will be an RTB 2.02 release alongside v11 to fix that, as well as fix a few other minor issues that have been reported via our bug tracker.

Make a counter that counts each type of bricks you use, each brick in the menu could have a # used part.

Good for:

Buying lego's to recreate BL stuff.
Make favorites.

will weapon scripting be toatally different for v11 and will you remove all DLs from rtb when it is released?

will weapon scripting be toatally different for v11

This Topic is 4 Return to Blockland v3 not blockland v11.

i know but since it was mentioned bye ephialtes i thought i might ask

i wanted an answer not flame

Looks Cool!

The "Irgone" Thing Is Good Be Cause 1 Devil Dude (D:) Whos Ruining My Life In Blockland.... Hes Posting To Me stuff In IRC :( (Names: Toxic Pee Darren) Oh yeah! Can You Ban Him?

Looks Cool!

The "Irgone" Thing Is Good Be Cause 1 Devil Dude (D:) Whos Ruining My Life In Blockland.... Hes Posting To Me stuff In IRC :( (Names: Toxic Pee Darren) Oh yeah! Can You Ban Him?
Try /ignore NAME

Looks Cool!

The "Irgone" Thing Is Good Be Cause 1 Devil Dude (D:) Whos Ruining My Life In Blockland.... Hes Posting To Me stuff In IRC :( (Names: Toxic Pee Darren) Oh yeah! Can You Ban Him?

Can you not type everyword with a capital letter?

Looks Cool!

The "Irgone" Thing Is Good Be Cause 1 Devil Dude (D:) Whos Ruining My Life In Blockland.... Hes Posting To Me stuff In IRC :( (Names: Toxic Pee Darren) Oh yeah! Can You Ban Him?

Blockland is ment for:[The bold text]

Because of some changes in v11, there will be an RTB 2.02 release alongside v11 to fix that, as well as fix a few other minor issues that have been reported via our bug tracker.
You forgot that one new feature. :D

Kind of big update news:

I'm planning to move activities from our current RTB server over to my new dedicated server starting probably today. The following features will be offline soon:

- Add-On Submitting
- Rating Submitting
- Comment Submitting
- Forum Usage

All files will be accessible for the duration of the move process, and all ingame features will still be accessible to you. Any comments or ratings you submit ingame while we're moving are likely to be lost. We're having to do this because the shared server we use currently can't take the extreme load of all you guys (we were hitting cpu loads of 14 when the ideal is 1).

Kind of big update news:

I'm planning to move activities from our current RTB server over to my new dedicated server starting probably today. The following features will be offline soon:

- Add-On Submitting
- Rating Submitting
- Comment Submitting
- Forum Usage

All files will be accessible for the duration of the move process, and all ingame features will still be accessible to you. Any comments or ratings you submit ingame while we're moving are likely to be lost. We're having to do this because the shared server we use currently can't take the extreme load of all you guys (we were hitting cpu loads of 14 when the ideal is 1).

Wow! :o

I knew you getting that job was a good thing. Even if it did cut your production time it gives us better things.

Well we (i say we, i mean i) ran into some trouble with the move and we lost all your add-ons. Ok not really.

I had to transfer all our databases and files over to the new server which didn't actually take that long but re-organizing the file structure took a while and making sure all the add-ons from the old system are still available was fiddly but after some testing it looks like all links to things on our server are intact and today i'll be redirecting and transferring registration of returntoblockland.com over to our new server. This will probably happen in a few hours since we have the least number of people on at the moment.