Author Topic: Robot suit  (Read 2455 times)

 Okay so I had this idea for a Vehicle/Weapon Kind of thing. Basically a big robot with legs and arms and big guns for hands that you control like a normal player

   D'ya like it?

You mean some thing like this?


Best. Series. Ever!

And technically, it's a mobile suit.

EDIT: I think he means something more like this:

Sorry for large pic.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 12:00:07 PM by Thorax »

But it's not out yet, is it?

ya its would be like those photos only more blocklike

i miss the mini-people version of that series it PWN3D

i miss the mini-people version of that series it PWN3D

Gundam SD? The Zakus on that show were the best!

no the robo suits are not out yet
its got my download when/if it comes out

Kaje might be making one of these, but idk, all I know is
he has a model like one.

Kaje might be making one of these, but idk, all I know is
he has a model like one.

We've already established that.

Gundam SD? The Zakus on that show were the best!
ya SD but who was Zakus again? its been so long!!

They were the comic relief of the show. They were the green guys.

They were the comic relief of the show. They were the green guys.
you mean the evil, dumb (i mean actually DUMB) little guys? They were Hilarious! XD

Ya! I actually got one of the little action figures that when you push down on the  head, the armor pops off.