Author Topic: Output Event - setEventDelay  (Read 5670 times)

Output Event - setEventDelay
A simple output event that sets the delay of specified events.

- Instructions
Self -> setEventDelay [EVENTS] [DELAY]
[EVENTS] is the box you put the events you are setting the delay of in.
[DELAY] is an integer between 0 and 30000 that the delay will be set to.

- Notes
Delay can only be under 33 if its 0, and fireRelays can't be under 33 now.
For example, let's say someone made a color-changing brick with relay loops.
By using this event, they would be able to control the speed at which it changes.

Download (Last Updated: Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:20 pm)

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« Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 04:10:54 PM by Truce »

This could be in handy...

I dont get it. We can already do this why does it need to be an output event when you can just set the delay time?

I dont get it. We can already do this why does it need to be an output event when you can just set the delay time?

I dont get it. We can already do this why does it need to be an output event when you can just set the delay time?

If a delay is already set on an event, you could make it so you could change the delay, so like he said, You can change how fast or how slow the color changes on a color changing brick. I like it.

This is mainly for allowing you to control the speed of relay loops.

However, think of it like you do with setEventEnabled.
You're not questioning why you have that event, are you?
It does the same thing: Changes whats already changeable in event form.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 12:37:24 PM by Truce »

you're too good at making events... but good!

Nice very helpfull dling

Seems usefull,but I can't think of something that it would be usefull for.

Tempo rates/etc on the "Synthesiser" machines?

This is an actually useful mod that I am going to download.

This is an actually useful mod that I am going to download.

Well, that is the point. :P

I guess it could be something like :
fire the projectile that sets the delay on an explosion in the sky :O  atom bomb


I've been using projectiles to set speeds for awhile.