Author Topic: [PPT] Bree-town  (Read 2987 times)

There is so much hidden events and stuff here it's unbelievable, but here's what it looks like.


View from Tower:

Main street:

Sewers which run under the city:

Loads more stuff hidden around the area. There's a cave where you are ambushed bu spiders, there's a crevice in the mountains where Goblins keep a grisly watch over the Town, the tower is about twice as high as it looks due to it delving deep into the ground. There's too much to mention, but I wont spoil it all :)

This area is around 80% complete.

Is this gonna be made into a RPG?

Nice. Is the clan full or can you still join ?

Is this gonna be made into a RPG?
Yes, this is part of the Lord of the Rings RPG. The large white areas you sometimes see in the pictures are Portals to other areas, making loading less of a strain.

We've already begun work on the Barrow-downs area (spooky place).

Nice. Is the clan full or can you still join ?
We are currently recruiting Builders (must be quite good), Eventers (must also be quite good) and Modelers (must be amazingly good).

So how could i get in for the event's part since my building skill has dropped because of to much CSS.

Show awesome use of events. We're pretty low on Eventers right now, I do some messages and script some custom ones but if you can do anything remotely complex it's likely you'll get in. Use of fonts, sizes and colour in messages always helps (No red, unless specifying an evil name).

I can do some pretty complex stuff but I havn't tryed coloring text yet.  Also this could be a great learning experience for me.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2008, 02:26:15 PM by zoneark »

I love this build so much. <3

Jervan, is my gate still there?
Never saw your server D:

Jervan, is my gate still there?
Never saw your server D:
Yeah, you can see it on the right of the first pic.
We did a lovey job :3
Yes we did :D

The tower stretches right down to rock bottom, I've added some credits and stuff down there.  :cookieMonster:

We had a DM in that town, it was pretty sweet.

I also caught a picture of Monty wearing clothes in this Build:

Secret goblin area isn't finished yet... I still need to add some things..