Author Topic: New JVS door  (Read 907 times)

I hope that Trader read this or someone who nows him but I want a door that open two sides like on goes left and other right the open like this. look this is the door [][] and it's open like this []<-- --> [] but not far just it fits like normal doors (exept garage) and it goes like []<-- --> [] sorry for this strange explain :S but I don't know ananother one

[Real Neo]

Trader is Busy Enough Anyway . . .

I think a "sliding door" would need two different areas of collision (closed and opened, as you shouldn't be able to walk through the doors in the 'open' position) which may or may not be possible with Trader's current system of decolliding the bricks.

I think a "sliding door" would need two different areas of collision (closed and opened, as you shouldn't be able to walk through the doors in the 'open' position) which may or may not be possible with Trader's current system of decolliding the bricks.
is it not possible that the doors are not real when they open but that the middle is colliding and rendering and Ray-casting but whats in the brick would be idk like a graphic fail but then not a fail :S
or maybe that they going a littlebit back and then open

[Real Neo]