Author Topic: this is about gtasa samp thing now  (Read 9569 times)

Anyone want to play? :D
Also, Gen. Nick, I lol'd.

Don't bother it's not even worth it.

So many people hack/threaten to hack/act like handicaps that it's not worth it, unless you are on some server that takes crap like that seriously.

The RP servers are good.

Admins on there actually take it seriously too.

« Last Edit: November 30, 2008, 07:43:29 PM by Colten »

But when I purchased GTA SA at walmart they made it so my mom has to give the money.

I bought GTA:SA myself when I was 15.

Judging by these screenshots, the graphics suck ass

I don't know, when I play the game, the graphics look way better.

You can also modify skins and such to make the game look better.

RP servers are good when they actually put a little effort instead of: "lulz ur under arrest!!1"

Other than that it just blows.

RP servers are good when they actually put a little effort instead of: "lulz ur under arrest!!1"

Other than that it just blows.

You must not play on any good servers.

EDIT: Accidentally got rid of the last bracket on the end-quote and it screwed with the post.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2008, 09:59:34 PM by Jsk2003 »

Valhalla Roleplay


SZR GTA Roleplay, those 2 are my favorites.

Ahaha SZR was good. The goons in that server keep it well maintained.

Only one warning, don't act a fool. There are more than enough "Serious Business" friends there to ruin your day. Also read the rules, can't tell you how many ban notices I see with people violating obvious rules.

Also don't shoot the Tarxi! Don't do it!

I have it. and will get it workin soon.

what the hell is this?

Is it free or what?

Well, i was playing on a RPG today, and apprently as bad as it was i couldnt get into the gun store to steal some guns from the owner (Damn M16 Door Killer) So... i worked on a farm, until i noticed i could get reputation with local gangs by BEATING people with a Shovel... so i went on a Rampage when i was invited to a Gang that owns the desert, of course i wanted revenge and say we loot the Guns store, we ran in, killed the guy, whacked him with shovel's for a few min's and then stole some money and left, So we started to gain more territory means more Vehicales, soon enough we got planes and loving basejumping into Other Gang Hq's and owning them with Pistols (Sadly enough) and Soon we got the whole map until some dude snuck into the Military base got a stuffLOAD of weapons and started to take it back... then i went back to farming...

what the hell is this?

Is it free or what?

It's a mod for Grand Theft Auto San Andreas called SA-MP (San Andreas - Multiplayer) that lets you play online multiplayer, the game is not free (of course) but the program is.