Author Topic: Verizon Alias (Cell phone) [WIP]  (Read 1849 times)

Here we are, another replica by Regulith. This is the Verizon Alias (u740), the cell phone I currently own. The phone is evented to open and you can remove and replace the SD card, plus many other features that don't quite work. The build needs to be tweaked a bit, some of the functions aren't perfected. Some of them don't work at all yet...

Being the procrastinator I am, don't get your hopes up that I will actually finish this..

I'M SORRY IT'S SQUARE. I don't have proper bricks to make it not square AND look good.

Also: It does not open sideways yet, and probably never will. I'd need a crap-load of new bricks to do so.

Here we are on the top:

Angled view:

Side view:

Other side:

This is evented! Here it is when it is opened:

Close-up of the screen, no good wallpaper yet:

Close-up of the keyboard (OSHT. Ignore the second "A" next to the "Q". >_<):


Volume Control:
In progress...

SD Card:


Receive call:

Typing ability:
Ahahaha. No.

Hold (Stops outside music control buttons from being pressed):
When pressed, this:

Stops these from doing this, and thus stops music from being played:

Music playing:
In progress...

So, there it is. Rate x/10 if you want to! :D
I will post new photos of new features as them are finished.
When the phone is as complete as possible, I will release the save!
« Last Edit: December 22, 2008, 01:14:03 PM by Regulith »

Whoa, nice. App for Blockintosh?

Whoa, nice. App for Blockintosh?
Never thought about it.

I was going to get but went with the env2

Two of my friends have this phone.

Nice work.

TATS MY PHONE now do it the other way when it opened the way for textin

does the screen have events? If not, then you should make it have events.....

TATS MY PHONE now do it the other way when it opened the way for textin

This is COOL!!!!! Can you go inside the phone?

This is COOL!!!!! Can you go inside the phone?
Yes, but it's a tight fit. And there's nothing inside.

does the screen have events? If not, then you should make it have events.....
Not yet, but there will be.

TATS MY PHONE now do it the other way when it opened the way for textin
Quote from: Myself
Also: It does not open sideways yet, and probably never will. I'd need a crap-load of new bricks to do so.

Not yet, but there will be.
What kind? Like where you push the menu button and the menu pops up on the screen? That kind takes a long me....

What kind? Like where you push the menu button and the menu pops up on the screen? That kind takes a long me....
No clue. That will be the last thing I do, I'd say.