Author Topic: Brick Physics Preview  (Read 97581 times)

We must advertise Blockland again once new features get implemented. Like new website design or something. People will like the concept of physics, which is one of the reasons why people bought Source powered games and others.

I see a great future for Blockland. I hope this game will last loooooooooooong for years ( Due to its freedom of creativity ).

Client sided sounds great, But why not server sided?

To keep lag down?

Client sided sounds great, But why not server sided?

To keep lag down?

The server will die.

I had Dropshock freaking out at me last night because of this. I'm not angry or anything, forget I'm glad he did, I went to bed happy last night. :D

You should make it so that the bricks that have been destroyed from their original place, kickable so they'll move when your legs touch them.

You should also make it so the bricks can be picked up and used. Example: You pick up a brick that was moved from it's place, and use it as a melee weapon in a minigame, or even throwable!

It would also be cool if you can pick up a brick and put it back in it's original place, pretty much re-building whatever it was before! Oo, I'm so excited for this next update!

Badspot, you win in every way possible, I want your babies.

Colten's RPG can be more pwnage.

You should make it so that the bricks that have been destroyed from their original place, kickable so they'll move when your legs touch them.

You should also make it so the bricks can be picked up and used. Example: You pick up a brick that was moved from it's place, and use it as a melee weapon in a minigame, or even throwable!

It would also be cool if you can pick up a brick and put it back in it's original place, pretty much re-building whatever it was before! Oo, I'm so excited for this next update!
No, not if you run over it then you'd be spamming picking up bricks, but how about when you click it, it will move like vehicles, that'd be fun you go on a tall building and chuck a 1x1 round onto your friend's head.
and the move when you touch then is already there as Badspot said, all we need is a sphere brick...

Holy cow, this is probably the BEST thing that's happened to Blockland, i didn't think this would be possible with the brick system, good job! :D

You too Kompressor, i'm sorry i forgot to thank you :<
« Last Edit: December 04, 2008, 11:31:15 AM by Masterlegodude »

Badspot, you win

Badspot, you win in every way possible, I want your babies.

Sounds like Kompressor did most of the work here guys.  Make sure he gets some thanks as well.

Don't forget a setBrickMass