Author Topic: Snow! :D  (Read 2435 times)

Its fuking snowing in Louisiana! Oh my loving god! I never thought I'd see snow again.

Its fuking snowing in Louisiana! Oh my loving god! I never thought I'd see snow again.
Pics or it didn't happen :D

Also, i like snow, even though it's so cold and i hate being cold, i still go out in the snow sometimes and make stuff

Pics or it didn't happen :D

Also, i like snow, even though it's so cold and i hate being cold, i still go out in the snow sometimes and make stuff
I'm in school right now, so I can't take out anything to take it with... :(

EDIT: No last minute snow day... ;_;

EDIT AGAIN: God damnit! My teacher is such a bitch! She won't let us go outside and see it. Its collecting on the ground! D:
And class doesn't end till twenty minutes from now...
« Last Edit: December 11, 2008, 09:54:01 AM by Doorman »

I've had to shovel every day this week. You can have some of my snow.

I've had to shovel every day this week. You can have some of my snow.
I'll take it.

forgetin lucky D: i live near the bay and it doesn't snow here, only cold enough to freeze your tits off or rain

I live near the Gulf, it only snows once ever 4-10 years... and it hasn't snowed here in four loving years! D:

We had snow in November.
There isn't any right now though. Just ice. Everywhere.


Plus some snow last week

In romania dosent rain :(

There's been no real snow where I live (Ireland) in what must be 7 years D:

forgetin lucky D: i live near the bay and it doesn't snow here, only cold enough to freeze your tits off or rain

Yea that's pretty much how it works here in Texas.

This is only the second time it has snowed, mabey third, but I don't remeber it, in my enitre life. I love snow, but I'm glad t has melted now...
I have a bad feeling about this though, it snowed the Christmas before Katrina, what will happen this 2009?

not even an inch of snow this year.
