Author Topic: TF2 Tips and Tactics  (Read 4687 times)


Hai guys. I just got TF2. I'm new at this game. Kinda difficult to kill since people are so much used to playing than me.

I'd like to ask for tips and tactics for some classes you're used to.

Let's share our knowledge! :D

As a Pyro, shoot your flame thrower at everyone. Pyro plays a vital role in keeping your team spy free.

Haven't played this one much, but other people basically either try to bat you while running around in circles or they double jump all over like a maniac and shoot you.

Pretty straight forward, just run and shoot at their feet, if you got amazing aim, then shoot the person. It's also good to keep popping up from corners and surprising people. 2 rockets kill someone, 3 for the heavy. Also good for taking out sentries.

Do constant spy checks on your team, whenever you see a teammate just shoot him for half a second. As a pyro you don't want to stay too close to the enemy for too long, when you think you've done enough damage with a flamethrower, back away and let them die by themselves, or shotgun them.
If you take them by surprise around a corner, staying beside them the whole way through would be a good idea, it's not likely for them to kill you. Also useful for taking out sentries around corners, within the flames reach.

Stickies are your best friend here. Unless at point blank range or simply as a way to clear the area/scare tactic, the grenade thrower is total ass. You can play defense and place stickies along the walls and wait for someone to come by, or play attack. When you see someone coming towards you or just standing there, shoot 2 - 3 stickies in their area and wait for them to be close enough so you can do damage and explode away.

The Heavy:
Haven't played as him much. When I do though It's mostly for defending a point, the trolley or a sentry.

Not much to say here, pretty straight forward.

Pretty straight forward. Don't try to be a hero and take on someone like a demo or a soldier by yourself.

Pretty straight forward.

This is an interesting class. Be sure to stay away from pyro's no matter what, and constantly change your disguise to match the situation you are in. Act as if you are their teammate. Don't stand there and keep turning back to check if they noticed you or are about to shoot you, act natural. It's best to cloak as soon as you knifed someone and hide somewhere. Rinse and repeat.
As for sentries, there are two ways you could go about this, sap the sentry, wait for the engineer to start fixing and knife him, or keep sapping the sentry until it is destroyed. He won't be able to fix it if you stand there clicking on it. Be aware of other enemies though with that tactic. As soon as you killed the engi or destroyed the sentry, cloak and run away, don't stand there.
Some people say cloaking as one of your own team mates is also useful, but it never worked for me. No one is simply going to run away, even at the sight of 5 heavy's, the other team will still shoot at you.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2008, 11:45:05 AM by Vertzer »

Pyro: W and right click.

The worst thing to do as a Sniper is to just stay at one place, charge up and wait for someone to come because it doesn't really help your team.

Pyro: W and right click.
Heavy: W+LMB
Medic: W+LMB
Scout: W+LMB

If pyro really is that overpowered, then why aren't there any all-pyro teams? Pyro is just an incredibly fun class to play.

ok im also getting this game soon so i have been looking at some videos and i can tell you alot for spy

First off, use common sense. lets say 2 engineers are working on a sentry turret. 1 runs away through a doorway. If you see him, kill him, then the best disguise to use would be engineer, because the first engineer would be expecting the other engineer to come back. Then use an electro sapper on the turret, kill him, camo, and run awway to safety.

Next, pick your targets wisely. As some have said, pyros are a bad target to chose if they are shooting flames everywhere, because their flames, unlike bullets, cover a wide area. Heavys are slow, and good easy targets to get. Medics are faster than spies, but if you take some shortcuts you could catch up to them. Engineers are pretty easy targets when they are concentrating on their sentry guns and what not. Just remember the elctro sapper. Scouts are normally way too fast, but you could try to get them to run into so they stop, then you can stab them. Oh right, the spy's switchblade is probably their best weapon. The gun is only for people that get up to somewhere where you couldnt, such as a high area that only a soliders rocket jump could get up to.

Distractions. Engieers are usually distracted by their project that they are building. Medics are often distracted trying to keep heavies alive. Snipers are usually focused on one target, and dont check their backs when sniping.

Camofluaging. Useful little tool it is, but its limited. Try to limit your camo time by using only when needed. Also, if you camo in the shadows it makes you less visable, so i have heard.

That won't work. It says when somebody kills somebody fool

Quote from: Blinx636
The Pyro class is not for beginners. He has quite a few advanced strategies that necessitate constant drills to keep fresh in your mind.

The Flamethrower:
1. Equip it.
2. Run at enemy (using a war cry works here well).
3. Hold down the primary fire button.
4. Repeat.
For every kill with the flamethrower, it is highly advisable to do a "Taunt". The "Taunt" for the Pyro consists of him raising the flamethrower in the air, and yelling. This has been proven to make you feel way more badass. The actual effect of feeling more badass is unknown, and it very commonly gets you killed more often, but that is beside the point.

The Shotgun:
It's awful, never use it.

The Axe:
The only good thing about it is it's taunt. Which is awesome. It adds at least 30 Badass points every time you use it.

Advanced Strategies:
1. Read the flamethrower section.
2. Spam the medic key next to medics, regardless of the current situation.

Why you should play Pyro:
The only real reason to play the Pyro is because of catching people on fire. Everyone loves the sounds of when you catch someone on fire; it's been proven to be therapeutic. Besides, even if you can't actually kill the 1337 guy who plays 12+ hours a day, you can at least hear his character cry like a little girl.

Scout: NEVER USE THE BAT UNLESS YOU HAVE NO OTHER AMMO IN ANY OTHER WEAPON. The scatter gun does 3 times as much damage at bat-range.

Soldier: get good with aiming your rockets. Start reloading after every shot. Crouch-jump(jump and crouch) into the air and shoot at their feet. The higher angle sends them far into the air, allowing you to juggle them until they die. Having the high ground is important as well.

Pyro: Never run straight at them, strafe and jump. It is best to not be seen until it is too late. LEARN TO USE YOUR SHOTGUN AT MEDIUM RANGE.

Demoman: Don't lay stickies where they can see them. Put them on walls near doorways so they can't see them until they come through. Then explode em. Never be on the move with the sticky launcher out, your grenade launcher is much more useful for dealing with surprise attacks.

Heavy: Your fists are as strong as your minigun. The funnest way to play is punching heavy. Otherwise, travel in packs of heavy and medic. 3 heavies spell death for anyone who comes near.

 Build right next to other engies
 Build too much in the open
 Build not enough in the open
 Try to kill spies with your wrench if they aren't within wrench range
 Keep whacking your sentry when a spy is sapping
 Build everwhere. Almost no where is a bad location.
 Use your shotgun competitively. You are as strong as the other classes.
 Use your pistol. This is obvious but no one does it.
 Use your shotgun to *gasp*help your sentry kill.
 Build offensively. Level 1s in their base is fun.
 Shoot at everyone you see. They're all spies. ALL OF THEM.

If they have their primary out, they are probably a spy.

You have to balance survivability and effectiveness of a sentry. In the open, it has low survivability, but high effectiveness. In a dark corner no one goes to, it has low to no effectiveness, but probably will never die.

Medic: Medics are the most important class in the entire game. That is all.

Sniper: not much to say here except that your SMG is useful.

 disguise as medic
 try to front stab someone to death
 complain that you got killed
 stand around for too long
 rely on your disguise
 Don't sap the first thing you see, wait until you find the main stuff. If you sap the tele before you get to the sentry, the engie will turn around and kill you. If you sap the sentry and stab the engie, then sap the tele, hurrahs all around.

 stab and sap

There is much more to this class than can be said here or anywhere else. You really have to play spy and be able to adapt to different people.


Thanks guys! I think they work! Got kills nao. :)