Author Topic: TF2 Tips and Tactics  (Read 4708 times)

Sniper: not much to say here except that your SMG is useful.

The SMG hardly does any damage, all you need is your sniper rifle and the machete, move to the frontline and shoot the key targets into their heads.

That won't work. It says when somebody kills somebody fool

if your talking about my spy post, then that could be any of those things, and also, i know it says who killed who, where does that conflict with my tips?

if your talking about my spy post, then that could be any of those things, and also, i know it says who killed who, where does that conflict with my tips?
First off, use common sense. lets say 2 engineers are working on a sentry turret. 1 runs away through a doorway. If you see him, kill him, then the best disguise to use would be engineer, because the first engineer would be expecting the other engineer to come back. Then use an electro sapper on the turret, kill him, camo, and run awway to safety.

Also, if you camo in the shadows it makes you less visable, so i have heard.
You're 100% invisible unless you bump into a enemy or someone shoots at you

Well it still works if they dont know your a spy

Oromis Backstabbed Engineer

Oh yeah...Ok, well then that doesnt work, and I didnt know you went full camo. Thats pretty sick, it almsot makes the spy seem unfair


The SMG hardly does any damage, all you need is your sniper rifle and the machete, move to the frontline and shoot the key targets into their heads.
Exactly the attitude I'm trying to go against. I've killed plenty of idiots who are trying to stab me with the kukri, whereas I've killed plenty of people trying to kill me with the SMG.

It does very good damage. It shoots fast, is accurate, and reload very fast.

Well it still works if they dont know your a spy

Oromis Backstabbed Engineer

Oh yeah...Ok, well then that doesnt work, and I didnt know you went full camo. Thats pretty sick, it almsot makes the spy seem unfair
Play the game first. The spy is the furthest possible thing from "unfair" you can get unless you are playing as him. You will die randomly and frequently.

I bloody hate the spy.

expecially on dm-Arena_V2

If the other team gets into your spawn area they can spawn kill you, So you protect the top with a sentry and, Yeah.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2008, 12:34:00 AM by tails »

I seem to have a difficulty for the spy. Even if I'm disguised they can still see me?

Also, I saw someone run so much fast. He was a heavy, with no weapons but just knuckles. He's killing everyone. Speed Hack? Tried to vote kick him off but he seems to get back again and again.

It does very good damage.

Quote from: TF2Wiki
8-12 per bullet at 10/sec = 80-120/sec (24 Crit)
Quote from: TF2Wiki
43-87 (195 Crit) at a rate of a little more than 1 hit per second
The only good thing to do with the SMG is kill enemies on low HP.
Why not save your time and quickscope them at close range (or use your melee)?
This video might be a frag video but it shows how you should play

I seem to have a difficulty for the spy. Even if I'm disguised they can still see me?
You're probably being too obvious - Try taking a look at this guy's videos, especially this one.

Also, I saw someone run so much fast. He was a heavy, with no weapons but just knuckles. He's killing everyone. Speed Hack? Tried to vote kick him off but he seems to get back again and again.
Speedhacker, vote kick does not prevent you from getting back onto the server.

Heavy vs Pyro, Heavy Wins. I love playing heavy, pyros are so much fun to rip through with my big gun. Also Engi's vs Pyro Engis can also win, use your wrench  :cookieMonster:

I seem to have a difficulty for the spy. Even if I'm disguised they can still see me?

Also, I saw someone run so much fast. He was a heavy, with no weapons but just knuckles. He's killing everyone. Speed Hack? Tried to vote kick him off but he seems to get back again and again.
  • There's a delay on your disguise kit, your disguise is fully active when the portrait in the lower left corner has completely changed.
  • Same goes for the cloak: wait till the portrait is completely transparent.
  • Don't bump into people.
  • Don't look suspicious, i.e. don't run in the wrong direction.
  • Change disguises frequently.
  • It's generally a bad idea to disguise yourself as a heavy, medic, scout or spy.

It's generally a bad idea to disguise yourself as a heavy, medic, scout or spy.

Explanation: Heavies are always attacking people, and as a spy, you dont
Medics are always healing people and use their medgun thing more than their primary syringe gun, and as a disguised spy you are holding their primary.
Scouts are fast and you are not, right?
spies are normally camoed or disguised. As an enemy spy or are disguised as a spy, but you still look like a spy.

Right? I am probably wrong right? am I right or wrong?

er your wrong again.

heavys are really slow. scouts are really fast and spy, just no poin.

Disguising as a heavy is a bad idea  because a medic will heal you and when confronted with an enemy, you are expected to be the first one to shoot without even moving.
As a medic, you're obviously required to heal people. Running past a person screaming Medic will certainly give it away.
Scouts... eh, a scout wouldn't be wondering around the enemy base I guess.
As a spy people are surely going to hit you to check if you are their spy or not. It always happens.

In 2fort I always disguise as a Sniper and wait downstairs the enemy base, either killing people or wait until my cloak regains, then I go demoman and run upstairs to kill the stuff there or disguise as an engineer and go down to the int room.
You can also disguise as an engineer right away but go down to the sewers. It's a bit tricky there though because as soon as an enemy sees you they will shoot you, guaranteed.

You can always do some 2Fort sniping.

Step 1: Uninstall the game.

Unless you're actually going to be useful, which is always nice.