Author Topic: Massive Lag Suddenly?  (Read 1074 times)

When I first got Blockland, at about V8, I could play on servers with over 10k bricks and not lag a bit. After V9 I started to lag a little at around 10k bricks but it wasn't anything I could live with. When V10 nothing happened, and then I didn't play for about a week, and now I can't even play without lagging in my own server with 3k bricks.

My specs are:
Dual core 2 Processors at 2.7GHz each
NVidia 8600 GTS with 1008 MB Memory Graphics Card

Not sure if anything else matters.
The worst part is, my other laptop with 1 2.0 GHz processor doesn't lag with those 3k bricks, in MY OWN server. All my drivers are up to date, I can run a ton of other demanding games on High graphics with no lag (while recording mind you), and do tons of things at once. I just can't play Blockland without a ton of lag anymore.

Anyone know the problem?

Post your console.log plsthx

Sounds liek its probably a crap add on.

Or you could just reinstall

I havne't installed any add ons recently, and reinstalling it would be fricken torture to get all the add-ons again, but I might have to.

0 kb

Trying running Blockland first ;)

Oh perfect.. there's nothing in it. Hold on..

It keeps saying "attachment fail 3", unless I am doing something completely wrong..


  • Administrator
copy and paste the contents of the file