Author Topic: Math Problem. :D  (Read 2927 times)

Well I have another math problem for you guys. No, I'm not trying to get a better grade from you, this isn't for school. Anyways here it is.

Let's say you have a number like 12. Now you reverse the digits of 12, and you get 21. Next you add 21 to 12, and you get 33. Now the percent increase from 12 to 33 is 215. You need to find the lowest number that will gain a 50% increase.

I had an idea to make a long equation that reverses the digits of a number using floors, but the equation would only cover the amount of digits it was made for, and below.

y = (floor(x-(floor(.1(x-(floor(.01(x-(floor(.001(x-(floor(.0001x)))))))))))))+(floor(.1(x-(floor(.01(x-(floor(.001(x-(floor(.0001x)))))))))))+(floor(.01(x-(floor(.001(x-(floor(.0001x))))))))+(floor(.001(x-(floor(.0001x)))))+(floor(.0001x))

I haven't checked it yet, but I think that would reverse a number with up to 4 digits.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2008, 09:01:01 PM by WRB852 »

Holy stuff what level math is that.

No level, at least to my knowledge. Also if you guys don't know what a floor is, all it does is round a number down.

Also if you guys don't know what a floor is...

I know what floor is :D

It's a carpet :3

Ok, I'll try to explain what I did a little bit.
Let's say we have the number "1234.76584268".

Now if I do "floor(1234.76584268", I get "1234".

Now if I do ".1*1234", I get "123.4".

Now if I do "floor(123.4)", then I get "123".

Doing "floor(.1*floor(x))" is the same concept.

With this I can cut off digits, and separate them from each other.

lol Warren you seem to be blowing everyone's mind :D


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