Author Topic: What's the stupidest thing you've ever heard someone say on Blockland?  (Read 190433 times)

Hope I didn't bump...Sorry if I did.

On-Topic: So I'm in badspots server since I like to build there, and this guy with a 4000 ID comes in and starts acting like a complete noob. He just kept arguing and arguing with me for no reason. Every time I tried to talk to my friend he would just start talking crap like a 5 year old again!

Here's a conversation I took of him trying to be cool with other people cuase he can talk crap. I hate it when you think that some people are actually smart when they have a low ID but some...Eh.

I hope PMs count.
HOW DO YOU HACK BLOCKLAND?!!?! by legoman425

cp1dell, we no longer use handicap.
It's poptard now.

The stupidest thing I would have to hear someone say on blockland is this.
I got banned from a freebuild for this reason - "Nou Baseplate fo u!!1!!11"
« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 11:27:10 PM by trumpetfan »


For real. I forgot who said it, it was a long time ago, but yeah. he said it. I think this was in BAC's Server.

Bump, didn't want to create a new topic.

I called someone a family man, and they said they weren't gay :/

What a messed up server. Nothing in that paragraph they are saying, has anything to do with one another.

i got a good one: NO, WWIII MEANS WW6

dontcha just hate when noobs kill you once, says that they pwned you, after you killed them like 15 times before?
that pisses me off.


What a messed up server. Nothing in that paragraph they are saying, has anything to do with one another.
tee hee

What a messed up server. Nothing in that paragraph they are saying, has anything to do with one another.

That was great I might have you guys beat, I have a couple I favror.

Then I have this guy who logs onto my server then says "Dumb and Dumber" Then logs off he has done this nearly everynight.

Also this one guy spams Who wants be my son?

some guy named "can i have admin plz" went on to my server can verify what happened next

"can i has amene plz?!?!?!/1?!?!/?1?" No joke.

GIME ADMEN!!!!!!11111NIW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111

I forgot who said that but it was at  a freebuild server that clearly said

"No asking for admin or BAN"

After that he double banned for the reason

"No asking for admin or BAN"

"Are you a stuff bag?"