Author Topic: Secret Message:  (Read 4605 times)

i think outside the box....oh...wait...YES!

ok, i seriously have no idea, maybe you just give me the answer key? :D

I'll wait for someone else to try it.

Abandon warmheartedness. Acid alignment kills. Adventure asynchronously. I. Almost abhorring conservationalists allow. Accept a pseudohermaphroditic. Mostly, palaeoanthropologists eat accomplices icily tachistoscopically.

There's a secret message in that.

Even if it doesn't make sence, it means something.

An ear stab is tap.

All of you people are fail on mine. Heres a hint: How many letters in each word resembles something.

Oh god. Not another "OVER 9000!!!!!!!" thing.

This code has been bugging me for the past few days and I've finally decoded it, thanks for keeping me entertained for a while SuperSnake.

The hidden message is: "Go die in a fire fat forgeter"

is it like every starting letter of every other word? i cant figure it out...who can figure this one out!!!!!!!!!! not really the same kind of secret message, but...



Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud
Cloud      Head       Cloud
Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud

I read a book that contained puzzles like that.

This code has been bugging me for the past few days and I've finally decoded it, thanks for keeping me entertained for a while SuperSnake.

The hidden message is: "Go die in a fire fat forgeter"

How did you solve it?

This code has been bugging me for the past few days and I've finally decoded it, thanks for keeping me entertained for a while SuperSnake.

The hidden message is: "Go die in a fire fat forgeter"

Good job VerticalHorizon, I'll make another.

How did you solve it?

Well, after looking up the words and realizing that it makes no sense, I started to think of other codes that I know when it hit me:

The periods were spaces, and the length of the words meant something. Then I did some more thinking on codes that I used to make when I was younger and tested a theory (Which proved successful as you can tell)
Each word was chosen for its character length, the amount of characters in each word (Example: Abandon is 7) can be assigned to the number in line a letter is in the alphabet (Example: Abandon is 7, and the 7th letter in the alphabet is G).

I made a new one dewds, get onto it.

ahhaaaah ahhahaah ahhahhha ahhhaaha ahhahhhh ahhaahha ahhahaah ahhahhaa ahhaaaah ahaaaahh aahaaaaa ahhahhha ahhahaah aahaaaaa ahhaahaa
ahhaahah ahhahaah ahhhaaha ahhhahah ahhaaaha aahaaaaa ahhhaahh ahhahaah aahaaaaa ahhaahah ahhhaaha ahhhahah ahhhaahh ahhaaaah ahhaahah
ahhhaaha ahhhahaa aahaaaaa ahhhhaah ahaahhah

There's a secret message in that.
My treasure is buried in California.

Giving hints makes it too easy :(

My treasure is buried in California.

Fu. Good job. I'll make another one later or tommorrow.

9jt q w3d435 j3wwqt3l dqh 697 w9of3 85;

Code: [Select]
omg a secret message. can you solve it?
Too easy ;P