Author Topic: War ON Crime  (Read 2831 times)

I'm sick of the people who do crimes 1:they doo it to pi$$ us off
2: they do it,get arrested and DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN -.-""
and 3:they ALL call us anems when we arrets em and for what us doing our job (((unlike most "Hint Hint Kite Hint Hint""))))

This is how the game is. You just got to accept it. If you don't like being a cop and/or criminal, start being a normal player that doesn't do crime or jail people. If the criminals gets angry at you when you are jailing them, just ignore them. That's the best thing you can do.

i love being in jail then i just listen to my ipod and sing along useing local chat :D

my eyes are still bleeding from that last incedent

SwordsMan's grammar is horrible, nasty, and terrible. Anyone agree?
And when he said "Hint Hint Kite Hint Hint", he meant me, Kitty.

Of course he was just doing his job but that's like saying,
"I'm going to put my friend in prison even though I actually have the choice whether or not they do, and if they don't I won't lose out on anything, except a few merits".

So basically, he's saying "Merits over friends".

"Hint hint kite thing MENT KITE THE MAN CALLED KITE NOT THE cigarette CALLED KITTY stuffY cigarette

On a related note, kitty I like your new avatar, if thats you then your really cute ......wanna be friends ^_^

Kite is pretty annoying, i have been in the server while he was playing and at first he was pretty cool, but turned out to be a whiney little friend.

Sorry, I thought you made a typo, your grammar is horrible so it made sense.

And yes, that's me... xD
We're already friends. ^_^

I suggest a Jail limit for example, 50 jails and you're banned to five days.

swords man your dumb.... there will always be crime in life. even NOT in life in a game. the thing is the more stuff they add in and the better they make it the more there is..

plus its fun ^.^ i mean seariously needing a horse
going to arena
stealing guys horse
telling him yotu stole it
getting swore at
killing horse when done


by the way

a criminal who swears at you and you know calls you a pansie and stuff for being a cop.....there dum....they are not good badguys there immature losers.....when i used to play tons when i got jailed i would call the cop dum for being a cop.....but htat was about it tho.......exept for once with yellow___- dont remember rest of name. any way bottom line is

a good criminal dousnt care if hes caught and put in jail...he just goes on a bees a badd guy.

and who cares about who has more demerits? i dont.

ratty you dum.....thats the dumbest idea ive ever heard.....dumass


What? they do it on WoW.

BTW: Thanks for double posting!