Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8850414 times)

you forgot it again :c
it didnt fit though! you have to use them based on feeling and it doesnt feel right yet. i think the icecream is the best one

imo i think that ono is right about giving tips.

if mr. man is serious about becoming a professional manlady then he needs to know how to actually do something since his situation seems more like special snowflake-ism than gender dysphoria.

you're being way too aggressive though, ono.

no matter how many hormones you take, you'll never look as good as lord tony without even trying
Can't tell if troll or not, but if you consider me feeling more and more wrong as I unwillingly go through the wrong puberty and feeling like I'm truly a girl who has to look like a guy "special snowflake ism" then be my guest. This isn't something I decided, this is something I've been thinking about for years and trying to decipher, it just happened to be at the same time as people started considering it a "fad".

you missed out on the whole "im now a manwoman" thing

mr. man thinks hes a girl now

Holey shet

Can't tell if troll or not, but if you consider me feeling more and more wrong as I unwillingly go through the wrong puberty and feeling like I'm truly a girl who has to look like a guy "special snowflake ism" then be my guest. This isn't something I decided, this is something I've been thinking about for years and trying to decipher, it just happened to be at the same time as people started considering it a "fad".
rn't u the cutie patootie that I once talked to on steam

« Last Edit: July 24, 2018, 11:24:36 PM by Ono-Sendai »

idk why you assume this
maybe they just like talking to me then. who knows :)

they'll say you have a mental illness
clearly this is a normal thing people do and has nothing to do with mental illnesses

Ya looking down at your richard one day and being like "yaaaa something isn't right here... I need to get rid of that" is totally a normal thing.

In all seriousness who cares let people do them

« Last Edit: July 24, 2018, 11:24:24 PM by Ono-Sendai »

dont know why im ever surprised at the blatant common sense of the blockland forums

just do you fam. become comfortable in your skin :iceCream:

its ok sweetie its all going to be fine in the end :)
what? I was saying people shouldn't care if someone wants to be a different love. Why are you being a condescending cunt?