Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 9671253 times)

Behold the first stalker of the forums
speaking of going back in time

looks like I've evolved quite a bit over the years
circa 2012

the kinda current (dec 2015)

and a picture where I'm not making an autistic facial expression

did you see a ghost while taking this pic

not making fun of you btw, p nice

did you see a ghost while taking this pic

not making fun of you btw, p nice
funny you say that bc my family members have been hearing noises in my room that I haven't been able to, while in the room. spoope

otherwise just another partially autistic facial expression

funny you say that bc my family members have been hearing noises in my room that I haven't been able to, while in the room. spoope

otherwise just another partially autistic facial expression

the ghost of faces has come to haunt yours

i wasnt paying attention and thought you took this in the middle of a battefield

Battlefield 1 dlc confirmed.

At work trying my best not to be seen taking a picture of myself. As a result this is the most boring picture I have ever taken. Sue me.

i wasnt paying attention and thought you took this in the middle of a battefield
as people drop dead at my feet

At work trying my best not to be seen taking a picture of myself. As a result this is the most boring picture I have ever taken. Sue me.
what kind of incredibly boring place do you work at good lord the ceiling is like an office or school someone help this man

as people drop dead at my feet

what kind of incredibly boring place do you work at good lord the ceiling is like an office or school someone help this man
I work at my University lol.

that egg-looking loser on the left is me

With a face like that you know he's a real pusillanimous individual slayer.

I need a haircut BAD
« Last Edit: May 24, 2016, 06:32:11 PM by Insert Name Here² »