Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8863067 times)

if only you blocked the posts you think are "cringe" instead of feeling the need to let the public know your opinion about them
Stay upset, child

hey guyz just posting a pic of myself hope you dont mind uwu

if you see a trap and your first instinct is to block them

that means you're all the way in the back of the closet

if you see a trap and your first instinct is to block them

that means you're all the way in narnia

Stay upset, child

this is second-hand trolling in it's most pathetic form

Guess who hung out last night. Not pictured: trinick

jew stole my forum picture

Please be patient i have microcephaly

what a waste of the 4200000th post

his blocko forget the word blocko it sounds like a blockland term for a blockheads rooster

his blocky soul will go to the blockland farland heavens!

Here, have a stuffty stoned pic I took at 4:20

Here, have a stuffty stoned pic I took at 4:20
what the forget am i looking at

Clean your bong god dammit, dont need to see piss yellow bong water

why you got the same expression as Harold