Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8847403 times)

wait I'm confused hootaloo is donnies catch? have I been in a coma or something?

good to know that not being apart of erotic furry roleplays or sperging out on a lego forum is now considered narcissism
im sorry but if you have a need to claim that you have a life and others supposedly dont, then hey unlucky, but youre suffering from narcissism :)

you dont have to immediately make this about me, either. like lol calm down
lmao is this supposed to make me shriek like a showing a cross to a vampire
absolutely pathetic

no but I'm guessing wearing a collar to school probably makes others "shriek like showing a cross to a vampire". absolutely pathetic
is that why you spend so much time on here getting mad about furries and degens
i did worse things in junior high, bringing up my blunder years isnt going to make feel bad lol im literally almost 7 years older now

please please siZE THAt down torin

is that why you spend so much time on here getting mad about furries and degens

Grimlock needs to somehow pass the time between abducting young girls for his photoshoots.

please please siZE THAt down torin
what seems to be the problem officer

hey torin, just discovered shrek memes i take it? :)

hey torin, just discovered shrek memes i take it? :)
lol triggered bro?

wait I'm confused hootaloo is donnies catch? have I been in a coma or something?
unfortunately yes

i did worse things in junior high, bringing up my blunder years isnt going to make feel bad lol im literally almost 7 years older now
i think this pattern of behavior has existed much more recently than the last 7 years
is that why you spend so much time on here getting mad about furries and degens
you gettin mad, I'm GETTIN RICH before some moron reports me for trolling, i'm joking around and quoting a song

uhh hey guys what's goin on

you gettin mad, I'm GETTIN RICH

well you arent wrong, your posts are pretty rich

lol triggered bro?


i literally cant tell who is who at this point without looking at the names

Looks like the *cough* *sweats* T-Thot Patrol is out in full force again. Smh. We need to cleanse Blockland of the Thot Patrol super-troll soldiers

Looks like the *cough* *sweats* T-Thot Patrol is out in full force again. Smh. We need to cleanse Blockland of the Thot Patrol super-troll soldiers
even worse: i heard the big bad nigerian cunts are coming back. what will we do!

4 years ago, my first, teenage relationship, was toxic. woweee
also as if vinny is sane lol

even worse: i heard the big bad nigerian cunts are coming back. what will we do!

We need to get our highly trained discord infiltrators to investigate what the Nigerian Cunts manifesto is. I bet they're planning something big, like, making fun of me on the internet