Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 9735073 times)

Clones and nano macheens.

Yearbook pics. Now.
School name please?

and the year just started for me

and the year just started for me

I mean post a yearbook picture of the guy, blur out the name.

If you don't have a yearbook with him in it run up to him and say "DUDE ON INTERNET LOOKS LIKE YOU" take his picture and run off.

If you don't have a yearbook with him in it run up to him and say "DUDE ON INTERNET LOOKS LIKE YOU" take his picture and run off.
I'm a professional,this will cost some money like 25,000

Do you go to vail?

Sirrus is the least ugly person who I've seen on Blockland.

You look like an older me. :o
Pics or it didn't happen.

Sirrus is the least ugly person who I've seen on Blockland.


Old man, no life.
If by "old man" you mean 15, then you're spot on.

I think Sirrus actually has a life guys lol

from the nose down, sirrus kinda looks like ron perlman