Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 9731263 times)

I'm trying this new thing called not shaving.


lovey. lol,jk. Unless you dont look like santa, its fine.

lovey. lol,jk. Unless you dont look like santa, its fine.
That's what I'm trying to get. A Jerry Garcia beard would be lovecellent.

That's what I'm trying to get. A Jerry Garcia beard would be lovecellent.
Impossible! Noone but Jerry can have a Garcia beard.
I'm going for rugged Viggo Mortensen stubble myself. not going to happen :(

I might post mine tomorrow or something

As promised,

Playing Resident Evil 5 with CopBlock on my gaming chair with Simpsons poster on door, woo!
Also, my hair got cut recently :(

i just finished resi 4 so i might get 5 sometime

As promised,

Playing Resident Evil 5 with CopBlock on my gaming chair with Simpsons poster on door, woo!
Also, my hair got cut recently :(
you dont look irish

lovey. lol,jk. Unless you dont look like santa, its fine.
Funny you should mention that...

I was in a play production of My Fair Lady and one of my roles was a royal dude at the race track. They wanted me to wear a  white beard. So during dress rehearsals I had the beard on and we were randomly running through lines when a kid pops out from backstage (probably one of the director's kids) walks up to me and pokes my arm. I look over to him and smile wherein he hopped onto my lap and started to tell me what he wanted for Christmas because he "wanted to make sure I wouldn't forget" Needless to say, my character didn't have the beard when the play was actually in production. So if I grew a long enough beard, I'd probably look just like Santa. :/