Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 9731350 times)

That sucks.
out of curiosity, have you posted your picture in here yet?

That sucks.
I cropped it. What did you want me to do? Decorate it with pink unicorns?
out of curiosity, have you posted your picture in here yet?
I don't think he has. Nor have I.

ha ha you guys r shy


ha ha you guys r shy

but I'm more along the lines of an anarexi

ha ha you guys r shy

I'm pretty thin. My webcam's not working.

but I'm more along the lines of an anarexi
lul u r nurd, u has no life. you should play video games more like me the cool guy

out of curiosity, have you posted your picture in here yet?

I need to find the thingy that connects phone to computer.

I need to find the thingy that connects phone to computer.
text picture to email

thats what i do lol

old pic of step bro

old pics of little bro

« Last Edit: January 23, 2010, 01:17:36 AM by CopBlock »

Whats that thing sitting on the seat in the first picture?

old pic of step bro
At first im like "oh forget is that copblock"
Then i read the caption.
*sighs in relief*

thats my knee with a bandaid
oh thats just a stupid person who left to live with his mother even though my dad has custody