Post real life pictures of yourself.

Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8849486 times)

Turn blooming off, degrade the graphics to nothing, it will be playable afterwards except if your PC is one of those ancient roman telescopes.

this topic is elite! :D

I think this topic should be put to permanent rest.

I think this topic should be put to permanent rest.
If people don't start posting more pictures of them selfs then i would have to agree.

whenever someone does, random idiots come in and spam things like southpark or oblivion....

whenever someone does, random idiots come in and spam things like southpark or oblivion....
osht lol
So this one time in oblivion, this one dude looked like a guy from south park....
Anyways, when my webcam comes in I'll post pictures of me  :cookieMonster:

Fun Times, me at the office and me in bed   :cookieMonster:

Holy  :iceCream: you look like someone i know!
me to... only shes a girl.... and emo....and a girl....

I didn't expect that from Nate, I thought he would look... different.
