Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8712638 times)

No more pizza? I'll just buy one for myself then.  :cookieMonster:

Yeah but its not lovingly crafted by me :(

Nuuu! You made me regret. :P

huzzar, its still sunny 28* miles away from London :D

*according to google maps

Its always sunny in California... wah...

Why do you not just use your phone to post a pic of yourself.
Ha, and have his soul taken?  Nice try, but he won't give it up that easily.

It sucks in Indiana. Never hot enough. I want my 100of weather dammit.


(Steve from Blue's Clues)

Ninjaedit: Got a green sweater by any chance?

I don't look like him!

^not Steve.

Once again ladios looks 5 years older then the last time he showed us a photo

Once again ladios looks 5 years older then the last time he showed us a photo
not really:
Click quote title to go to image
The last one I did...

Okay at the moment everyone was in my house and I also got dared to take it in the bathroom -_-
Does that make it more clear to you?
Oh and I grew my hair because I hate everyone, and I figured if I hate everyone it would be easier to make them hate me back if I just looked like someone more hate-able.
Wow I didnt expect everyone on this forum to be such an starfish.
Oh wait, yes I did *surprise-surprise*
Oh and I thought this was "post real life pictures of yourself"
Not flame the above avatar...
Or in this case "flame the above picture"
Oh and another Edit:
I got dared to put white stuff on my face.
Yeah, get it now?
Thats skin lotion.
The dare was:
Kasha says:
I dare you to go into ur bathroom and put white stuff around your mouth!!1
Adn then you can dare me! xD
Kasha says:
FIAH!: says:
=_= fine Kasha...
But I dare you to paint ur fridge!
Kasha says:
Sher :3
And I have a picture of the painted fridge if you really dont believe me.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2008, 04:10:11 PM by JDofPivot »

We all feel kind of obligated to reply and mock people when we can't tell what their gender is after they post a picture.

Why dont you check my profile...
Lol and yeah.. I kinda do look like a girl.
Oh well people like me for it surprisingly o.o
Too many people... Kinda creeps me out.
I dont blame you nearly as much as the other people Vertzer, because in that last post you didnt curse or anything... I respect you for that.
All I ask is that the people in this forum behave and dont mock people, I mean, so what its fun, but any good forum should have proper rules...
Does this forum even have rules? I mean, it seems like that because of people like... well.. I shall not mention *cough*ladios*cough* who dont even act their age.
I didnt even flame anyone yet, and hes 17.
Kind of sad, now that I think about it.

We have rules, but we don't want to go to the level of Facepunch.
Yeah, we should act like intelligent people, and we do, but you're going to a whole new level there. It's the internet, chill out.

I want a picture of Ephialtes and tails. >:(