Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8859029 times)

Ahhh... fresh haircut.

Two photos almost a year apart, same scarf.

I feel pretty good about where I am now vs. a year ago. Lost weight, trimmed my beard and cut my hair to a respectable length (though it's getting long, I need to get a haircut).

holy stuff, if i hadn't known it was you that posted that, i wouldn't have recognized you at all. excellent work man. looking clean as forget.

I like the first one better. Second one looks less friendly to me.

I like the first one better. Second one looks less friendly to me.

he looks like a man in the second one.

I like the first one better. Second one looks less friendly to me.

i hate the way he looks in the first one.

he's cute now :3

he's the most beautiful man that I've ever laid my eyes upon.

no homo

He's seriously good looking.

Quite a lot of homo.

Looks like the lead singer of my fav band.

Looks good, bro. would hit it.

My hair is always messed up before I go to bed. idk why

Was going to use flash, but it hurt my eyes.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2012, 10:04:10 PM by Freek »

facebook app is broken on my iPhone so I can't upload pics in any other way, lol.
There is a setting on my photobucket app to have pics automatically shared to facebook ;o

i would forget sirrus

no homo

Sirrus looks a million times better in the second, newer photo.

Actually, he reminds me of this New Zealand comedian called Ben Hurley (the guy in the middle derp)

Two photos almost a year apart, same scarf.

I feel pretty good about where I am now vs. a year ago. Lost weight, trimmed my beard and cut my hair to a respectable length (though it's getting long, I need to get a haircut).

That first picture, is that Jon Snow from Game of Thrones? You look alot like him.

« Last Edit: April 10, 2014, 02:44:06 PM by Rusty »