Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8853240 times)

These are two of my Skype profile pics. The second one is more recent.



Nah, I just hate a majority of people on the internet.

Dont spam please
thats a post from 2006 u know that right? lolol

These are two of my Skype profile pics. The second one is more recent.

These are two of my Skype profile pics. The second one is more recent.

I know they're not the best quality, but I don't have any other way to capture my face.

I know they're not the best quality, but I don't have any other way to capture my face.
to put it simply, YOU'RE forgetIN' UGLYYYY

he jogs twice a week tho

I mean I run at least nine miles a week but I can only dream of being on his level of jogging twice a week to maintain such impressive definition and lack of man tits that he so doesn't seem to have
brb dying

OMG, all so ugly can't think *faints on floor*

 *:cookieMonster: walks over and steals a :cookie: from my pocket*
remember the good ol' days?

These are two of my Skype profile pics. The second one is more recent.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 04:11:47 AM by Trogtor »