I was told that I am a stud.
Ok guys. I just had a really weird thought. I know it was weird so dont judge me.what would you react if I posted a picture of me standing infront of a mirror completely naked and my richard in a sock. This is a honest weird question. Please, how would you react
Lol guys im not actually going to do it. Would be funny to see all the reactions though.
YeahYou'd probably still get banned for doing it anyways
You love them curly haired.
im one of the most polite people on the whole forum you idiot
Just takin a selfie.[img ]http://www.thetoryparty.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Shrek+Forever+After_1662_19802626_0_0_7062331_300.jpeg[/img]
I would post a picture but Emo Freak is lurking somewhere on this thread :(
Cuties beware, you're in for a scare[i mg]http://i1117.photobucket.com/albums/k597/Zach_Staugaitis/Gifs/Drama/tumblr_inline_mrak18bGVa1qz4rgp_zps84310373.gif[/img]