Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 9335429 times)

Current Status:    Offline
Gender:   Male
Age:   28
Local Time:   October 09, 2009, 02:13:07 AM

Evidently, I was wrong.

Rug and Badspot are tied.

Wait, so nex is a trap?
ITS A TRAP? srsly why do you type as if i were not here? ;p

ITS A TRAP? srsly why do you type as if i were not here? ;p

So you do have a snake?

Feels like camwhoring.

Turns out it was an electric fence...
« Last Edit: October 09, 2009, 07:15:17 AM by IceBlue »

triple toast;

Nex looks like one of my friends. I'd call hoax and throw out a bunch of Facebook pictures but she lives somewhere else in the world.

triple toast;

Nex looks like one of my friends. I'd call hoax and throw out a bunch of Facebook pictures but she lives somewhere else in the world.

You look like someone I know.

But I seriously doubt it.

You look like someone I know.

But I seriously doubt it.

I don't live in Antarctica ;p