Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 9311856 times)

I think Ladios' girl is hot.

I think shes pretty Ladios :D

Also offtopic but I had a dream a few days back where I lived next door to Ladios. He was having a party and I was invited and stuff so I went. His girlfriend and VH were there, but were only in the dream for like 10 seconds before Ladios gave me a tour of his house.

Me being squished by a girl, mmm

Not me, but she is the most awesome girlfriend ever! <3

Weh-he-hell! You lucky son of a bitch!
Now excuse me while I try to move my mouse and click 'Post' while theres a kitten on my arm..

What? :o
I'm pretty sure he lives in a dorm. or an apt.