Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 9683868 times)

orly nao
he gay? :U

Possible, I'll figure out as my tastes develop. :V Although I currently fancy a certain female.

I chopped all my hair off.  :cookieMonster:
Also nice belts :] They're pretty awesome.

Why, thank you. c: I spent a buttload of money on them. 

I chopped all my hair off.  :cookieMonster:
Also nice belts :] They're pretty awesome.

Oh, there you are Mina! I was basically under the impression you were at most vaguely around Blockland.

I chopped all my hair off.  :cookieMonster:
Also nice belts :] They're pretty awesome.
:c No more hair.

I have a belt that is flat studded. Its okay, but I could use an climaxic studded belt

Oh, there you are Mina! I was basically under the impression you were at most vaguely around Blockland.
I come and go, I don't play anymore though. It's been a long awhile, anyways. :B

I come and go, I don't play anymore though. It's been a long awhile, anyways. :B

Ah, as to be thought. Moving right along. :iceCream:

Im the guy.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2011, 04:22:22 AM by canasore »

Dem teeth.

I like your smile.

Dem teeth.

I like your smile.


I like your... smile too...
« Last Edit: January 31, 2011, 04:26:05 AM by canasore »

Im the guy.

Who wouldn't want to get a photo with the latest, most realistic smiling human robot. The only problem thus far is the exposed wiring over the shoulder.

Who wouldn't want to get a photo with the latest, most realistic smiling human robot. The only problem thus far is the exposed wiring over the shoulder.

lol i know right, anyways im bored. so heres shafin25

I chopped all my hair off.  :cookieMonster:
Also nice belts :] They're pretty awesome.

Oh wow, it takes a certain person to pull off the short hair look on a female, but it looks pretty cute on you. [:

after watching rammstein at big day out in my die antwoord shirt :cookieMonster:
being interjected on by till lindemann was amongst the highlights of my day

Christian Lorenz crowd surfed in a rubber ring when i saw them

i dont have any gay belts
i have belts, for pants, for business.