Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8852838 times)

oh ffs. This whole topic reminds me /b/  the junior edition

oh ffs. This whole topic reminds me /b/  the junior edition

>assuming everyone on /b/ is an adult

wow asablief looks NOTHING like my fantasies involving so-
i mean cool

Someone who stuffs on other people for being "scrawny" better have a picture of their herculean body to back it up.
I don't need to back up stuff. He's 14 and thinks pushups will build more mass than bench press will. Anyone who knows anything about body building will just laugh at that.

you'll find that the military is in charge by someone who has never held a rifle, dumbass.
I never actually said otherwise

It was single-handedly ruined by one man, and I bet you we can pull it back up to #1 with the right guy.
Yeah nah, that's wrong too. Bush isn't totally to blame as much as he was an idiot. It's too much to go into but it's more the fault of your country's banks and lax lending laws. And I really doubt you guys can recover, your output doesn't even service your debt anymore. And it is your problem, you live in the country herp derp.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 01:39:46 AM by ßoltster »

there is no congress!!!!! its all a lie!!!!!!!!!!!

dat 1 is wiht my frend pikchu hes fat

pikchu lef tand alot of snad apeerd and sun come out but thats me
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 01:41:23 AM by Aeschylus »

I don't need to back up stuff. He's 14 and thinks pushups will build more mass than bench press will. Anyone who knows anything about body building will just laugh at that.
When did I directly say that pushups build more than bench pressing? I don't only do pushups, I do a series of USMC PT exercises that build muscles.

And when I said I don't go to the Gym, I lied. When Sargent Ross is on duty or the whether is bad, we go to the weight room and we do actually do bench pressing and other weight training.
Yeah nah, that's wrong too. Bush isn't totally to blame as much as he was an idiot. It's too much to go into but it's more the fault of your countries banks and lax lending laws. And I really doubt you guys can recover, your output doesn't even service your debt anymore.
im not talking about bush you loving moron.

I don't need to back up stuff.
Yes you do you loving wuss. If you're going to call people scrawny while saying you're some kung-fu master, post a picture. Until then, you're just some neckbearded manchild who's read a few web pages about body building.

dat 1 is wiht my frend pikchu hes fat

pikchu lef tand alot of snad disapeerd and sun come out but thats me
dude wut

bolser where u live irl i bet i beat you up PUNCK


Yes you do you loving wuss. If you're going to call people scrawny while saying you're some kung-fu master, post a picture. Until then, you're just some neckbearded manchild who's read a few web pages about body building.

Yeah nah, that's wrong too. Bush isn't totally to blame as much as he was an idiot. It's too much to go into but it's more the fault of your countries banks and lax lending laws. And I really doubt you guys can recover, your output doesn't even service your debt anymore.

Obama is trying to make spending cuts and raising taxes on the upper middle and higher classes so the income from the taxes is more than he's spending on military (anti-war my bum) and other domestic things so he can steadily pay off the debt. Though I dislike him and think his current policies do suck and he will probably keep us in and increase our debt which agrees with some of the things you said.

However, our GDP isn't quite in the crapper yet though.

bolser where u live irl i bet i beat you up PUNCK