Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8860435 times)

You're an idiot :D
No, seriously. Opinions do matter you ignorant rooster hustler.

No...No they do not. Comments matter, mostly. Questions matter, mostly. Opinions however are personal and do not matter, Much like you.

Yes they do.
I could give you a prime example of how you should care about someone's opinion. The fact that you don't just further backs up my argument that your gf is a slut.

Shit happens.  xD
« Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 10:46:37 PM by Zen Bane »

Yes they do.
I could give you a prime example of how you should care about someone's opinion. The fact that you don't just further backs up my argument that your gf is a slut.
That made no relation in sense. It just proved my point of you being immature.
You opinion in my professional opinion does not matter, Thus to me and to others who hate you, you do not matter.

Yes they do.
I could give you a prime example of how you should care about someone's opinion. The fact that you don't just further backs up my argument that your gf is a slut.
That made no relation in sense. It just proved my point of you being immature.
You opinion in my professional opinion does not matter, Thus to me and to others who hate you, you do not matter.
You've just changed your argument.
You stated that opinions as a whole do not matter, that being said, the fact that you call me immature is highly ironic and irrelevant when you yourself do not care about your girlfriends opinion.

Yes they do.
I could give you a prime example of how you should care about someone's opinion. The fact that you don't just further backs up my argument that your gf is a slut.
That made no relation in sense. It just proved my point of you being immature.
You opinion in my professional opinion does not matter, Thus to me and to others who hate you, you do not matter.
You've just changed your argument.
You stated that opinions as a whole do not matter, that being said, the fact that you call me immature is highly ironic and irrelevant when you yourself do not care about your girlfriends opinion.

You just changed the topic,It just proved AGAIN my point of you being immature.
You opinion in my professional opinion does not matter, Thus to me and to others who hate you, you do not matter.

This means I DO NOT CARE, say all you want, I do not flipping care you little kiddie.

Time for my old motto sort of thing.


Time for my old motto sort of thing.


Eww a emo picture. You did not win anything? if your saying you need a life pal.

Is Part still busy? :(

You have backed out of the argument by ignoring me, and once again hypocrisy has taken over you and you resort to immature and older than internet pictures.
That image, made by me, has more to it than the 'emo' theme which you may see. If you have not noticed, it is my avatar.
It was inspired by a great band's cover album.

And yes, right now part is busy arguing with a man who has a brain the size of a stem cell.


Can anybody else plang Hl2:DM with me then? :(

Yes stem cells are pretty big right now.

I'm free all day tomorrow btw :D


Time to build more wall blocks.