Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 9335141 times)

hi VH how are you

also this:
[img ][/img]
I'm smiling because it's christmas time
too bad I hate christmas.
Don't smile too much! Your face might tear apart!

Good thing I didn't do that or else my face would be torn apart! ):

Do you set off airport metal detectors?

Why can't you guys keep your god damn house clean

Me and Eeyore, we are the same

Omg my heart has exploded with cuteness intensity.

Do you set off airport metal detectors?
Never went through one but if I had to I'd just use bioplast or acrylic barbells. There'd be no metal.

Anyways I doubt it would set them off.

Anyways I doubt it would set them off.

Take a video of you trying, including the TSA response to it.

Oh forget man tell me who. I think I look like a combination of Pickles and Toki with Nathan Explosion hair.

Mosly Nathan Explosion

Take a video of you trying, including the TSA response to it.
I should.

The plane wouldn't be able to take off from all the extra weight from the metal.

Good thing I didn't do that or else my face would be torn apart! ):
i would think it's a bit late for that

[im g][/img]

[im g][/img]

My facial hair is here, it's queer, get use to it!

Take the left side of your hair and brush it across your forehead.

hi VH how are you

also this:

I'm smiling because it's christmas time
too bad I hate christmas.

I bet if you got punched in the face you'd bleed out because of all those damn holes.