Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8855884 times)

I think I'm 5'9" or 10" last I checked

Are you guys trying to find the ghost who flipped your chair?

Are you guys trying to find the ghost who flipped your chair?
Der b a slenderman approaching from dem woods every 30 minutes. Your forgeted.

Im like 4 inches tall

I think I already posted that pic of me with my school shirt on so I left it out, but heres some more:

Me with glasses:

Me without glasses:

Idk what this is:

I also have no idea what I was doing with my hand, I usually put it in my pocket but I guess cause Im tired I just let it hang there.

Oh god that's what Colten looks like

Ive posted like 20 pics in here and every time someone goes

omg dats colten omfg


They just never expected you to be so lovey is all.

They just never expected you to be so lovey is all.
Oh Otis you make me feel so buttery inside!

Oh Otis you make me feel so buttery inside!
Do you also fall butterside down?